Digital Experience Monitoring

Understand mobile app crashes effectively with our mobile symbol service and iOS symbolication (Preview)

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Deep dive into user session data with Dynatrace user session queries

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Get full Real User Monitoring insights into 3rd-party SaaS solutions

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User tags for session analysis now support server-side request attributes (Preview)

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Fine-tune synthetic monitors by blocking specific requests for better web application analytics

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Easily create synthetic monitors for personalized web offerings with the new Set cookies option

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Deliver digital experience excellence with Session Replay

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Metrics matter

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Monitor your Xamarin apps with Dynatrace OneAgent

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Data privacy enhancement: Masking internal IP addresses

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Custom charting for mobile and custom-application metrics

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Integrate external synthetic data with Dynatrace via API

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The next generation of synthetic monitoring…is here!

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Real User Monitoring: Important changes to Visually complete calculation

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Synthetic clickpaths level up

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Apdex ratings now available for mobile & custom apps

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The pitfalls of traditional synthetic monitoring (part 2)

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Fetch timeseries data for custom applications & mobile apps via our REST API

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Filter user sessions based on custom session properties (EAP)

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The pitfalls of traditional synthetic monitoring (part 1)

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Monitor hybrid mobile apps with the Cordova plugin

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New ‘Transfer size’ DEM metric & waterfall enhancements

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General availability of custom application monitoring!

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