Digital Experience Monitoring

Improved content validation for Synthetic browser and clickpath monitors

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Giving data a heartbeat

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Monitor your OAuth 2.0 protected APIs with Dynatrace Synthetic

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How to get the most value out of Session Replay: Use cases and examples

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Automated scripted API monitoring with HTTP monitors

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Synthetic monitoring of internal applications extended to Windows-based ActiveGates!

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Seamlessly integrate Dynatrace mobile crash reporting into your build environments

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Latest Synthetic Recorder update improves clickpath recording and local playback

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Track Real User Monitoring license consumption by web and mobile application

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User experience score—the one metric to rule them all

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Monitor dynamic application workflows with placeholders and synthetic location context

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Dynatrace scales up Real User Monitoring to meet your digital touchpoint monitoring needs

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The future of synthetic testing is in the cloud

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Dynatrace HTTP monitors go multi-request, leaving no API unmonitored!

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Discover frustrating user experiences with automatic rage click detection

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Announcing new and super fast Android auto-instrumentation (Preview)

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Tightening the communication within BizDevOps with Adobe Analytics & Dynatrace

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Availability monitoring with synthetic browser monitors from within your corporate network

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USQL goes GA! Data-driven decisions with powerful queries and advanced dashboarding

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Enrich real user session analysis with business and domain data by leveraging session properties

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Gain fresh insights with key performance metrics for synthetic browser monitors

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Quickly understand how to improve the above-the-fold user experience of your applications

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HTTP synthetic monitoring now available for Windows-based ActiveGates

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Multi-dimensional analysis of mobile-app user actions

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