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Digital experience

Monitor, analyze, and optimize digital experience with an enhanced 360-degree view of every single user journey.

The next generation of synthetic monitoring…is here!

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Press release

74% of CIOs fear IoT performance problems could derail operations and significantly damage revenues

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The pitfalls of traditional synthetic monitoring (part 2)

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The pitfalls of traditional synthetic monitoring (part 1)

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Press release

Three-quarters of CIOs say the need for rapid innovation puts customer experience at risk

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How to accelerate technology adoption with Digital Performance Management

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Experian at Perform 2018: Dynatrace saves them 70% in SLA costs

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Humana: Digitally Transforming Health and Well-being with Pivotal Cloud Foundry and Dynatrace

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UX Insider – 5 Tech Tips for Session Recording

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Dynatrace & Microsoft HoloLens: The Future of Collaboration

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Session Replay: bullet-proof strategy for customer support

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Dynatrace Performance Bowl 2018 Digital Experience, Live Blog Coverage

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Using AI-Powered Monitoring to Quantify the Impact of Spectre & Meltdown Fixes/Patches

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2017 Cyber Week Coverage / Black Friday and Cyber Monday Retail Digital Performance

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Halloween horror stories from the IT trenches and war rooms.

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BizDevOps Done Right!

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Nike merges in-store and digital CX like a champion

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Dynatrace on Dynatrace: How we monitor our own web entities

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Why “Try another browser” is no longer acceptable

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The impact of JavaScript errors and How to monitor JavaScript errors using Real User Monitoring!

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Zurich insurance: a transformational model for improving customer experience

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Visually Complete & Speed Index for Real User Monitoring (RUM)

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Notes from the financial services trenches: Know your card payments & users

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