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Digital experience monitoring

Deliver flawless and secure user experiences with end-to-end digital experience monitoring across every channel, including mobile, web, IoT, and APIs.

Instantly analyze digital experience data with full context

Unify, store, and contextually analyze massive volumes of digital experience data with speed and cost-efficiency using a causational data lakehouse.

Application insights and availability
Gain deeper insight into the digital experience of your applications and deliver a better end-user experience through root cause analysis with tracing, logs, and metrics in context, including logs connected directly to user sessions

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What is digital experience monitoring (DEM)?

DEM solutions extend Application Performance Monitoring (APM) by including the outside-in perspective to ensure applications and services are available, functional, and performant, across all channels of the digital customer experience in real time. Monitoring tools combine application performance data, real user behavior, synthetic monitoring, and deeper experience insights like session replays, to pinpoint digital experience issues and understand the precise impact to business KPIs.

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Hear what your users are telling you

Stop guessing. Start optimizing. We use observability and advanced AIOps on a unified platform to give teams the precise, automated insights and context they need to proactively deliver better customer experiences and drive better business outcomes.

Take an interactive tour of the Dynatrace platform to see how.

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Automatically resolve real user-impacting issues

With real user monitoring (RUM), instantly know when user experiences go wrong and how you can rapidly fix them, so you can eliminate the guesswork and optimize digital experiences.

Optimize user experiences with indisputable video evidence

Replay every session through the eyes of the user and understand their exact experience to resolve customer complaints and agree where to make improvements.

Deliver exceptional native mobile app performance

Continuously monitor and analyze mobile user experiences across customer segments, app crashes, third party components, and your entire cloud stack to exceed customer expectations with advanced mobile app monitoring.

Prevent problems before users see them

With synthetic monitoring, automatically test and discover problems across production and development environments before your customers are affected and begin to overload your business with complaints.

Push the boundaries of understanding user journeys

Leverage logs as a critical ingredient to manage and improve application environments so developers can proactively optimize their apps by tackling unforeseen issues that can manifest in production.

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The digital experience playbook

How to drive business value through digital experience monitoring

Due to the shift to digital, organizations realize that they must provide an exceptional digital experience (DX) if they expect to drive business value. But the cost of innovation is comprised of complexity and challenges that directly affect DX by hindering website performance, availability, and customer satisfaction to name a few.  

However, with the right digital experience monitoring (DEM) approach, organizations can achieve the insight needed to drive business value through DX. 

In this eBook, you'll discover how you can proactively optimize business outcomes and address DX issues before your bottom line suffers by learning how to:

  • Measure digital experience with DEM  
  • Extend DEM through your environment  
  • Connect DX to business outcomes

Download the digital experience playbook today and learn how to design your user experiences to drive better business outcomes.

Download your free eBook


Dynatrace is a G2 Leader in Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM)

Dynatrace has been named a Leader among products in Digital Experience Monitoring (DEM). These user ratings reflect the advantage of Dynatrace’s all in one platform, which was made for IT, DevOps, and digital experience use cases, and built on a unified data model to enable increased automation and intelligence.
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Powerful core technologies

Get precise answers and automation through hypermodal AI, with automatic discovery and topology mapping across billions of dependencies.

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Dynatrace’s digital experience monitoring gives us a complete picture of what our end users are experiencing.
Kevin McNall Director of Digital Projects and Practices, Rack Room Shoes

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