Dynatrace Performance Benchmarks
How does your digital presence stack up against the competition?
You always need to know your marketplace.
Performance Benchmarks give you Homepage and Clickpath transaction performance rankings of hundreds of global companies across many industries. You get all the information you need to set goals and standards for web performance and keep raising the bar.
- Identify the top performers in your industry to see how your sites compare
- Track changes over time and get out in front of industry trends
- Understand what is possible and use the right metrics to set your own standards
- Optimize your site’s performance by understanding the best sites in your industry
See our Benchmark Methodology (PDF) for full details.
Benchmarks are currently available for:
- 5 different countries and regions worldwide
- 11 unique industries
- 21 Home page benchmarks (desktop and mobile)
- 3 Clickpath transaction benchmarks (desktop)
See the list of currently available Benchmarks (PDF) for full details.
Sign up for weekly free homepage updates!
All Homepage results are available with a free subscription. As a Dynatrace customer, you can get access to Clickpath results with a paid subscription. Contact the benchmarks team below for information on how to sign up for Clickpath results.
Weekly Updates
Each weekly update is filled with valuable information you can use across your organization.
- Analyze multiple data points to summarize web performance in your industry.
- Get leading transaction times and averages.
- Discover how mobile compares to desktop performance.