Apps and microservices

Application monitoring redefined – full-stack application performance monitoring for the customer-centric era

PayPal drives innovation with continuous performance management

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Experian at Perform 2018: Dynatrace saves them 70% in SLA costs

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InfoShot: The history of voice technology

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Dynatrace is a leader, again

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Dynatrace is ensuring your IoT project and completes your IoT platform

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Got monitoring tool sprawl?

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Humana: Digitally Transforming Health and Well-being with Pivotal Cloud Foundry and Dynatrace

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IoT shifts from the cloud to the edge. Dynatrace sees it all.

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AI Is Eliminating Jobs for Some Companies

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UX Insider – 5 Tech Tips for Session Recording

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Seeing Dynatrace AI in Action: RabbitMQ, Cassandra, JVM Memory

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Dynatrace & Microsoft HoloLens: The Future of Collaboration

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BizDevOps and Breaking Down Silos: How to make the push for more agile, self-driving IT

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Session Replay: bullet-proof strategy for customer support

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The network probe is dead. Long live the probe!

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Monitoring buzzword warning – full stack

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AWS Lambda 101: What is it used for?

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Cloud-native application performance monitoring requires a new approach

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PSD2 is Coming – Are You Ready?

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Even for Spider Man, There’s More Than Just Web

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Trades of a Performance Engineer in 2020!

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Tech preview: Monitoring Azure Functions written in C# .NET

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Monitoring AWS Lambda done right

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Verifying your own .NET IL-Code

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