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Scala performance monitoring

Performance monitoring and capacity management for Scala applications

What is Scala?

Scala is a general-purpose programming language. Its source code is intended to be compiled to Java bytecode. Thus, the resulting executable code runs on a Java virtual machine.

Dynatrace monitors and analyzes the activity of your applications written in Scala, providing visibility down to individual database statements.

  • Visualize service requests end-to-end within your Scala apps

    Dynatrace detects your applications’ transactions from end-to-end and shows the actual execution of each service through our Service flow.

  • Get CPU hotspot analysis for background threads

    Dynatrace shows you where your Scala applications consume CPU in background threads, schedulers, or other proprietary services.

  • Understand the impact of issues on customer experience

    While monitoring your Scala apps, Dynatrace learns the details of your entire application architecture automatically.

Take a deep dive into your Scala code

Dynatrace monitors and analyzes the database activities of your Scala applications, providing you with visibility all the way down to individual SQL and NoSQL statements. Just a few of the performance metrics you will see on your Dynatrace dashboard:

  • JVM metrics
  • Custom JMX metrics
  • Garbage collection metrics
  • All database statements
  • All requests
  • Suspension rate
  • All dependencies

In under five minutes the Dynatrace OneAgent automatically discovers your entire Scala application.

Start monitoring your Scala apps in under 5 minutes!

In under five minutes, Dynatrace shows you CPU, memory, and network health metrics all the way down to the process level.

  • Manual configuration of your monitoring setup is no longer necessary.
  • Auto-detection starts monitoring new virtual machines as they are deployed.
  • Dynatrace is the only solution that shows you process-specific network metrics.

Get a visual overview of all service requests end-to-end in your Scala apps

Dynatrace understands your applications’ transactions from end-to-end. Service flow shows the actual execution of each individual service and service-request type. While Smartscape shows you your overall environment topology, Service flow provides you with the view point of a single service or service-request type.

Understand the impact of issues on customer experience

While monitoring your Scala applications, Dynatrace learns the details of your entire application architecture automatically.

  • Artificial intelligence automatically identifies the dependencies within your environment.
  • Dynatrace detects and analyzes availability and performance problems across your entire technology stack.
  • By making root cause analysis, Dynatrace visualizes how problems evolve and how they impact the user experience.
Kroger quote bg
Dynatrace has given us back so much time – we’re now able to truly focus on innovation and doing cool things, instead of worrying about monitoring and finding the root cause of performance problems.
Jay Cotton Kroger
Jay Cotton Performance Engineer Lead, Kroger

Start monitoring your Scala apps with Dynatrace!

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Sign up, deploy our agent and get unmatched insights out-of-the-box.
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