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Infrastructure Observability

Get automatic and intelligent observability across cloud and hybrid environments with continuous auto-discovery of any type of infrastructure, all in context and with precise, AI-powered answers.

More resources

Google Dataflow logo

Google Dataflow

Get insights into Google Dataflow service metrics collected from the Google Operations API to ensure health of your cloud infrastructure.

Azure Synapse Analytics logo

Azure Synapse Analytics

Cloud-based, scale-out, relational database capable of processing massive volumes of data.

Azure Content Moderator logo

Azure Content Moderator

AI service for content moderation and human review tool for images, text, and videos.

AWS Outposts logo

AWS Outposts

Fully managed service that extends AWS infrastructure, AWS services, APIs, and much more.

Azure Language Understanding (LUIS) logo

Azure Language Understanding (LUIS)

An AI service that allows users to interact with your applications, bots, and IoT devices by using natural language.

Fortinet FortiGate logo

Fortinet FortiGate

Gain insights into the performance of your Fortinet FortiGate solution.

Google Hybrid Connectivity logo

Google Hybrid Connectivity

Get insights into Google Hybrid Connectivity metrics collected from the Google Operations API to ensure health of your cloud infrastructure.

Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets logo

Azure Virtual Machine Scale Sets

Scale-out workloads, stateless web front ends, container orchestration, and microservices clusters.

Snowflake logo


Expand visibility to improve health and performance monitoring of your Snowflake

Azure Translator logo

Azure Translator

AI powered service to translate text in real time across more than 70 languages.

Azure API Management logo

Azure API Management

Create consistent and modern API gateways for existing back-end services.

Azure Data Lake Storage logo

Azure Data Lake Storage

Fully-managed, elastic, scalable, and secure file system that supports HDFS semantics and works with the Hadoop ecosystem.

Google Cloud's operations suite logo

Google Cloud's operations suite

Get insights into Google Cloud's operations suite metrics collected from the Google Operations API to ensure health of cloud infrastructure.

Azure Batch logo

Azure Batch

Get complete picture of jobs, tasks and node tracking, in each state, for operational efficiency.

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) logo

Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS)

Provides a simple web services interface that can be used to create topics you want to notify apps.

Microsoft SQL Server (local) logo

Microsoft SQL Server (local)

Improve the health and performance monitoring of your Microsoft SQL Servers.

AWS Transit Gateway logo

AWS Transit Gateway

Network transit hub interconnecting virtual private clouds (VPC) and on-premises networks.

Azure SignalR logo

Azure SignalR

Adding real-time communications to your web application is as simple as provisioning a service.

Amazon Rekognition logo

Amazon Rekognition

Amazon Rekognition makes it easy to add image and video analysis to your applications.

Azure CloudSimple Virtual Machines logo

Azure CloudSimple Virtual Machines

Manage VMware virtual machines (VMs) from the Azure portal.

Amazon Lex logo

Amazon Lex

Service for building conversational interfaces for applications using voice and text.

Azure Media Services logo

Azure Media Services

Cloud-based platform to build solutions that achieve broadcast-quality video streaming.

Azure SQL Managed logo

Azure SQL Managed

Full observability into cloud database performance and automated monitoring for Azure SQL Managed.

Google Cloud Run logo

Google Cloud Run

Dynatrace provides AI-powered observability into serverless containerized apps running on Google Cloud Run.

Azure Cognitive Services logo

Azure Cognitive Services

Bring AI within reach of every developer—without requiring machine-learning expertise.

AWS Elemental MediaTailor logo

AWS Elemental MediaTailor

Scalable ad insertion service that runs in the AWS Cloud.

Amazon Simple Workflow Service (SWF) logo

Amazon Simple Workflow Service (SWF)

Makes it easy to build applications that coordinate work across distributed components.

Amazon DocumentDB logo

Amazon DocumentDB

Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) is a fast, reliable, and fully managed database service.

Google Cloud Filestore logo

Google Cloud Filestore

Monitor your Google Cloud Filestore services using metrics ingested to your Dynatrace cluster.

Google VPC access logo

Google VPC access

Provides support for Google VPC access.

AWS Fargate logo

AWS Fargate

Intelligent end-to-end observability for serverless and hybrid environments using AWS Fargate.

Amazon VPC (NAT Gateway) logo

Amazon VPC (NAT Gateway)

Connect to the Internet from instances within a private subnet in an AWS Virtual Private Cloud.

Azure Database for Maria DB logo

Azure Database for Maria DB

Full coverage of performance for critical workloads with AI-problem detection, availability, and more.

Oracle Autonomous Database on OCI logo

Oracle Autonomous Database on OCI

Monitor health and performance of the Oracle Autonomous Database.

Azure Anomaly Detector logo

Azure Anomaly Detector

Detects anomalies in time series data with numerical values that are uniformly spaced in time.

Google Cloud Tensor Processing Unit (TPU) logo

Google Cloud Tensor Processing Unit (TPU)

Train and run machine learning models.

Amazon Keyspaces for Apache Cassandra logo

Amazon Keyspaces for Apache Cassandra

Scalable, highly available, and managed Apache Cassandra–compatible database service.

Oracle Cloud logo

Oracle Cloud

Cloud computing serviceproviding servers, storage, network, applications and services.

HTTP2 logo


Binary protocol that brings push, multiplexing streams and frame control to the web.

Azure Peerings logo

Azure Peerings

Virtual network peering enables you to seamlessly connect networks in Azure Virtual Network.

Azure Application Insights logo

Azure Application Insights

An extensible Application Performance Management (APM) service for developers and DevOps.

AWS Glue logo

AWS Glue

Fully managed extract, transform, and load (ETL) service.

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server logo

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

Provides a managed Microsoft Windows file servers, backed by a native Windows file system.

Azure NetApp files logo

Azure NetApp files

File-storage service to run your most demanding file-workloads in Azure, without the need for any code modification.

Azure Logic Apps logo

Azure Logic Apps

Cloud service that helps you schedule, automate, and orchestrate tasks across enterprises or organizations.

Google App Engine. Monitor with GCP integration logo

Google App Engine. Monitor with GCP integration

Get insights into Google App Engine service metrics collected from the Google Operations API to ensure health of your cloud infrastructure.

Amazon Elastic Inference logo

Amazon Elastic Inference

Accelerate deep learning inference workloads by attaching to your Amazon EC2 CPU instances.

Azure Custom Vision Prediction logo

Azure Custom Vision Prediction

Customize computer vision for specific domain. No machine learning expertise is required.

Are you looking for something different?

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