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When things go sideways: Troubleshooting the OpenTelemetry Operator

Learn the basics of the OpenTelemetry (OTel) Operator and how to troubleshoot when things don’t go according to plan.

This blog post was co-written with Reese Lee.

If you already have an application running in Kubernetes and are exploring using OpenTelemetry to gain insights into the health and performance of your app and cluster, you might be interested in an implementation of the Kubernetes Operator called the OpenTelemetry Operator.

As you’ll learn shortly, due to its range of capabilities, the Operator is your go-to for (almost) hassle-free OpenTelemetry management. But, as with any powerful tool, what happens when things go sideways?

In this blog post, you’ll learn about the OpenTelemetry Operator (hereafter referred to as “the Operator”), along with issues commonly encountered across installation, Collector deployment, and auto-instrumentation. You’ll also learn how to resolve these issues, and be better prepared for running the Operator.

Overview of the Operator

Let’s take a closer look at the Operator’s main capabilities.

Managing the Collector

The Operator automates the deployment of your Collector, and makes sure it’s correctly configured and running smoothly within your cluster. The Operator also manages configurations across a fleet of Collectors using Open Agent Management Protocol (OpAMP), which is a network protocol for remotely managing large fleets of data collection agents. Since the protocol is vendor-agnostic, this helps ensure consistent observability settings and simplifies management across agents from different vendors.

Managing Auto-Instrumentation in Pods

The Operator automatically injects and configures auto-instrumentation for your applications, which enables you to collect telemetry data without modifying your source code. If your application isn’t already instrumented with OpenTelemetry, this is a fantastic option to feed two birds with one scone, and start generating and collecting application telemetry.

Installing the Operator

This might seem obvious, but before installing the Operator, you must have a Kubernetes cluster you can install it into, running Kubernetes 1.23+. Check the compatibility matrix for specific version requirements. You can spin up a cluster on your machine using a local Kubernetes tool such as minikube, k0s, or KinD, or use a cluster running on a cloud provider service.

Next, and this is less obvious: You must have a component called cert-manager already installed in that cluster. This piece manages certificates for Kubernetes by making sure the certificates are valid and up to date. You can install both the cert-manager and the Operator via kubectl or a Helm chart.

Note that in either case, you have to wait for cert-manager to finish installing before you install the Operator; otherwise, the operator installation will fail.

Using kubectl

To install cert-manager, run the following command:

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/download/v1.10.0/cert-manager.yaml

Next, install the Operator:

kubectl apply -f https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-operator/releases/latest/download/opentelemetry-operator.yaml

Using Helm

To install cert-manager, first add the Helm repository:

helm repo add jetstack https://charts.jetstack.io --force-update

Next, install the cert-manager Helm chart:

helm install \
cert-manager jetstack/cert-manager \
--namespace cert-manager \
--create-namespace \
--version v1.16.1 \
--set crds.enabled=true

Expect the preceding step to take up to a few minutes. You can verify your installation of cert-manager by following the steps in this link, or check the deployment status by running:

kubectl get pods -namespace cert-manager

To install the Operator, note that Helm 3.9+ is required. First, add the repo:

helm repo add open-telemetry https://open-telemetry.github.io/opentelemetry-helm-charts 
helm repo update

Then, install the Operator:

helm install --namespace opentelemetry-operator-system \  
  --create namespace \  

Deploying the OpenTelemetry Collector

Once you have cert-manager and Operator set up in your cluster, you can deploy the Collector. The Collector is a versatile component that’s able to ingest telemetry from a variety of sources, transform the received telemetry in a number of ways based on its configuration, and then export that processed data to any backend that accepts the OpenTelemetry data format (also referred to as OTLP, which stands for OpenTelemetry Protocol).

The Collector can be deployed in several different ways, referred to as “patterns.” Which pattern or patterns you deploy is dependent on your telemetry needs and organizational resources. This topic is out of scope for this blog post, but you can read more about them via this link.

Collector Custom Resource

A custom resource (CR) represents a customization of a specific Kubernetes installation that isn’t necessarily available in a default Kubernetes installation; CRs help make Kubernetes more modular.

The Operator has a CR for managing the deployment of the Collector, called OpenTelemetryCollector. The following is a sample OpenTelemetryCollector resource:

apiVersion: opentelemetry.io/v1beta1
kind: OpenTelemetryCollector
  name: otelcol
  namespace: opentelemetry
  mode: statefulset
          grpc: {}
          http: {}
            - job_name: 'otel-collector'
              scrape_interval: 10s
              - targets: [ '' ]

      batch: {}

        verbosity: detailed

          receivers: [otlp]
          processors: [batch]
          exporters: [logging]
          receivers: [otlp, prometheus]
          processors: []
          exporters: [logging]
          receivers: [otlp]
          processors: [batch]
          exporters: [logging]

There are many configuration options for the OpenTelemetryCollector resource, depending on how you plan on instantiating it; however, the basic configuration requires:

  • mode, which should be one of the following: deployment, sidecar, daemonset, or statefulset. If you leave out mode, it defaults to deployment.
  • config, which may look familiar, because it’s the Collector’s YAML config.

Common Collector deployment issues and troubleshooting tips

If you’re not seeing the data you expect, or you suspect something isn’t working right, try the following troubleshooting tips.

Check that the Collector resources deployed properly

When an OpenTelemetryCollector YAML is deployed, the following objects are created in Kubernetes:

1. OpenTelemetryCollector

2. Collector pod:

  • If you specified non-sidecar mode, look for Deployment, StatefulSet, or DaemonSet resources named <collector_CR_name>-collector-<unique_identifier>).
  • If you specified the mode as sidecar, a Collector sidecar container will be created in an app pod, named otc-container.

3. Target Allocator pod:

  • If you enabled the Target Allocator, look for a resource named <collector_CR_name>-targetallocator-<unique_identifier>.

4. ConfigMap of Collector configurations:

  • If you specified non-sidecar mode, look for Deployment, StatefulSet, or DaemonSet resources named <collector_CR_name>-collector-<unique_identifier>.
  • If you specified the mode as sidecar, note that the Collector config is included as an environment variable.

Thus, when you deploy the OpenTelemetryCollector resource, make sure that the preceding objects are created.

First, confirm that the OpenTelemetryCollector resource was deployed:

kubectl get otelcol -n <namespace>

When you deploy the Collector using the OpenTelemetryCollector resource, it creates a ConfigMap containing the Collector’s configuration YAML. Confirm that the ConfigMap was created in the same namespace as the Collector, and that the configurations themselves are correct.

List your ConfigMaps:

kubectl get configmap -n <namespace> | grep <collector-cr-name>-collector

We also recommend checking your Collector pods by running the appropriate command based on the Collector’s mode:

  • deployment, statefulset, daemonset modes:
kubectl get pods -n <namespace> | grep <collector_cr_name>-collector
  • sidecar mode:
kubectl get pods <pod_name> -n opentelemetry -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[*].name}'

This will list all the containers created in the pod, including the Collector sidecar container, which includes the Collector config as an environment variable.

Check the Collector CR version

Take a look at the OpenTelemetryCollector CR version you’re using. There are two versions available: v1alpha1:

apiVersion: opentelemetry.io/v1alpha1 
kind: OpenTelemetryCollector 
  name: otelcol 
  namespace: opentelemetry 
  mode: statefulset 
  config: | 
        endpoint: "<my_o11y_backend>" 
        verbosity: detailed 
          receivers: [otlp] 
          processors: [batch] 
          exporters: [otlp/ls, logging] 
          receivers: [otlp, prometheus] 
          exporters: [otlp/ls, logging] 
          receivers: [otlp] 
          processors: [batch] 
          exporters: [otlp/ls, logging] 

and v1beta1:

apiVersion: opentelemetry.io/v1beta1 
kind: OpenTelemetryCollector 
  name: otelcol 
  namespace: opentelemetry 
  mode: statefulset 
          grpc: {} 
          http: {} 
      batch: {} 
        endpoint: "<my_o11y_backend>" 
        verbosity: detailed 
          receivers: [otlp] 
          processors: [batch] 
          exporters: [otlp/ls, logging] 
          receivers: [otlp, prometheus] 
          processors: [] 
          exporters: [otlp/ls, logging] 
          receivers: [otlp] 
          processors: [batch] 
          exporters: [otlp/ls, logging] 

There are two main differences between these two API versions:

1. The config sections are different; for v1beta1, the config values are key-value pairs that are part of the CR configuration, whereas for v1alpha1, the config value is one long text string. Keep in mind that the text string still needs to follow YAML formatting.

2. If you’re using v1beta1, you can’t leave the Collector config values empty. You must specify either empty curly braces ({}) for scalar values or empty brackets ([ ]) for arrays. This isn’t necessary if you’re using v1alpha1.

Check the Collector base image

By default, the OpenTelemetryCollector CR uses the core distribution of the Collector. The core distribution is a bare-bones distribution of the Collector for OpenTelemetry developers to develop and test. It contains a base set of components: extensions, connectors, receivers, processors, and exporters.

If you want access to more components than the ones offered by core, you can use the Collector’s Kubernetes distribution instead. This distribution is made specifically to be used in a Kubernetes cluster to monitor Kubernetes and services running in Kubernetes. It contains a subset of components from the core and contrib distributions. Alternatively, you can build your own Collector distribution.

You can set the Collector’s base image by specifying the image attribute in spec.image, as in the following example:

apiVersion: opentelemetry.io/v1beta1 
kind: OpenTelemetryCollector  
  name: otelcol 
  namespace: opentelemetry 
  mode: statefulset  
  image: otel/opentelemetry-collector/contrib:0.102.1 
      grpc: {} 
       http: {} 
    batch: {} 
      endpoint: "<olly_backend_endpoint>"

Check your backend vendor’s access requirements

If you’re using a backend vendor to ingest your telemetry data, you’ll likely need to configure an account license key or some kind of access token, which you’ll want to keep confidential.

To store it as a secret and prevent it from appearing as plain text, first create a Kubernetes secret, and Base64-encode it:

apiVersion: v1  
kind: Secret  
  name: otel-collector-secret  
  namespace: opentelemetry 
  ACCESS_TOKEN: <base64_encoded_token> 
type: "Opaque"

Check your exporter configuration

Confirm that you’ve configured the correct endpoint according to your region in your exporter configuration.

When all else fails…check Kubernetes events

Kubernetes events provide detailed and chronological information about what’s happening within various components of your cluster. To view events for a specific namespace, use:

kubectl get events -n <namespace>

Replace <namespace> with the actual namespace where your OpenTelemetry Operator and resources are deployed.


Instrumentation is the process of adding code to software to generate telemetry signals–logs, metrics, and traces. You have several options for instrumenting your code with OpenTelemetry, the primary two being code-based and zero-code solutions.

Code-based solutions require you to manually instrument your code using the OpenTelemetry API. While it can take time and effort to implement, this option enables you to gain deep insights and further enhance your telemetry, as you have a high degree of control over what parts of your code are instrumented and how.

To instrument your code without modifying it (or if you’re unable to modify the source code), you can use zero-code solutions (or auto-instrumentation agents). This method uses shims or bytecode agents to intercept your code at runtime or at compile-time to add tracing and metrics instrumentation to the third-party libraries and frameworks you depend on. At the time of publication, auto-instrumentation is currently available for Java, Python, .NET, JavaScript, PHP, and Go. Learn more about zero-code instrumentation at this link.

You can also use both options simultaneously. Some end users opt to start with a zero-code agent and manually insert additional instrumentation, such as adding custom attributes or creating new spans. Alternatively, OpenTelemetry also provides options beyond code-based and zero-code solutions. Learn more at this link.

Zero-code Instrumentation with the Operator

The Operator has a CR called Instrumentation that can automatically inject and configure OpenTelemetry instrumentation into your Kubernetes pods, providing the benefit of zero-code instrumentation for your application. This is currently available for the following: Apache HTTPD, .NET, Go, Java, nginx, Node.js, and Python.

The following is a sample Instrumentation resource definition for a Python service:

apiVersion: opentelemetry.io/v1alpha1  
kind: Instrumentation  
  name: python-instrumentation  
  namespace: application 
      value: "20" 
      value: parentbased_traceidratio 
      value: "0.85" 
    endpoint: http://localhost:4317 
    - tracecontext 
    - baggage  
    type: parentbased_traceidratio  
    value: "0.25" 
        value: otlp_proto_http 
      - name: OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER 
        value: otlp_proto_http 
        value: "true" 
        value: http://localhost: 4318 

You can use a single auto-instrumentation YAML to serve multiple services written in different languages (provided they are supported for auto-instrumentation). List your global environment variables under spec.env, and list language-specific environment variables under spec.<language_name>.env. You can mix and match language-specific environment variable configurations in the same Instrumentation resource.

In order to use the Operator’s auto-instrumentation capability, deploying an Instrumentation resource alone isn’t enough. The auto-instrumentation configuration must be associated with the code being instrumented. This is done by adding an auto-instrumentation annotation in your application’s Deployment YAML, in the template definition section, such as in the following example:

apiVersion: apps/v1 
kind: Deployment  
  name: my-deployment-with-sidecar  
  replicas: 1  
      app: my-pod-with-sidecar 
        app: my-pod-with-sidecar 
        sidecar.opentelemetry.io/inject: "true" 
        instrumentation.opentelemetry.io/inject-python: "true" 
    - name: py-otel-server 
      image: otel-python-lab:0.1.0-py-otel-server ports: 
    - containerPort: 8082 
      name: py-server-port 

When the annotation called instrumentation.opentelemetry.io/inject-python is set to true, it tells the Operator to inject Python auto-instrumentation (in this case) into the containers running in this pod. For other languages, simply replace python with the appropriate language name (for example, instrumentation.opentelemetry.io/inject-javafor Java apps). You can disable instrumentation by setting this value to false.

If you have multiple Instrumentation resources, you need to specify which one to use, otherwise the Operator won’t know which one to pick. You can do this as follows:

  • By name. Use this if the Instrumentation resource resides in the same namespaces as the Deployment. For example, opentelemetry.io/inject-java: my-instrumentation will look for an Instrumentation resource called my-instrumentation.
  • By namespace and name. Use this if the Instrumentation resource resides in a different namespace. For example: opentelemetry.io/inject-java: my-namespace/my-instrumentation will look for an Instrumentation resource called my-instrumentation in the namespace my-namespace.

You must deploy the Instrumentation resource before the annotated application; otherwise, your code won’t be automatically instrumented. The Operator injects auto-instrumentation by adding an init container to the application’s pod when it starts up, which means that if the Instrumentation resource isn’t available by the time your service is deployed, the auto-instrumentation will fail.

Common instrumentation issues and troubleshooting tips

If your Collector doesn’t seem to be processing data or if you think the auto-instrumentation isn’t working, try the following steps to troubleshoot and resolve the problem.

Check that the instrumentation resource deployed properly

Run the following command to make sure the Instrumentation resource(s) was created in your Kubernetes cluster:

kubectl describe otelinst -n <namespace>

Confirm the resource deployment order

Double check that your Instrumentation CR is deployed before your Deployment. As we learned earlier, if you’re auto-instrumenting via the Operator, you must deploy the Instrumentation resource before deploying your service’s Deployment resource, because the Deployment will create an init-container for the auto-instrumentation. You should therefore see an auto-instrumentation init-container when you run the following command:

kubectl get pod  -n  \ 
  -o jsonpath='{.spec.initContainers[*].name}' 

Check your auto-instrumentation CR annotations

1- Confirm that there are no typos in the annotations.

2- Confirm that they are in the pod’s metadata definition (spec.template.metadata.annotation), not the deployment’s metadata definition (metadata.annotation), as in the following example:

apiVersion: apps/v1 
kind: Deployment 
  name: py-otel-server 
  namespace: opentelemetry 
    app: my-app 
    app.kubernetes.io/name: py-otel-server 
  replicas: 1 
      app: my-app 
      app.kubernetes.io/name: py-otel-server 
        app: my-app 
        app.kubernetes.io/name: py-otel-server 
        instrumentation.opentelemetry.io/inject-python: "true" 
      - name: py-otel-server 
        image: otel-target-allocator-talk:0.1.0-py-otel-server 
        imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent 
        - containerPort: 8082 
          name: py-server-port 
            value: service.name=py-otel-server,service.version=0.1.0 

Check your endpoint configurations

The endpoint, configured in the following example under spec.exporter.endpoint, refers to the destination for your telemetry within your Kubernetes cluster:

apiVersion: opentelemetry.io/v1alpha1 
kind: Instrumentation 
  name: python-instrumentation 
  namespace: opentelemetry 
    endpoint: http://otelcol-collector.opentelemetry.svc.cluster.local:4318 
    - tracecontext 
    - baggage 
        value: console,otlp_proto_http 
      - name: OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER 
        value: otlp_proto_http 
        value: "true" 

The spec.exporter.endpoint configuration in the Instrumentation resource allows you to define the destination for your telemetry data. If you omit it, it defaults to http://localhost:4317.

If you’re sending out your telemetry to a Collector, the value of spec.exporter.endpoint must reference the name of your Collector Service.

Looking at the example above, otel-collector is the name of the OTel Collector Kubernetes Service.

In addition, if the Collector is running in a different namespace, you must append opentelemetry.svc.cluster.localto the Collector’s service name, where opentelemetry is the namespace in which my Collector happens to be deployed to. It can be any namespace of your choosing.

Finally, make sure that you are using the right Collector port. Normally, you can choose either 4317 (gRPC) or 4318(HTTP); however, for Python auto-instrumentation, you can only use 4318. Confirm whether there are similar caveats for the language(s) you’re using.

Note: If you’re deploying your Collector as a Sidecar, your endpoint needs to be  http://localhost:4317 or http://localhost:4318 (remember: it has to be 4318 for Python).

When all else fails…check the Operator logs

Run the following command to check the Operator logs for any occurrences of error in the log messages:

kubectl logs -l app.kubernetes.io/name=opentelemetry-operator \ 
  --container manager \ 
  -n opentelemetry-operator-system --follow 

Note that the above only applies if you have admin access to your Kubernetes cluster. If you don’t, you can still tell what’s going on by checking your Kubernetes event log, just like we did when troubleshooting issues with the OpenTelemetryCollector resource:

kubectl get events -n <namespace>


The OpenTelemetry Operator manages the deployment and configuration of one or more Collectors, and injects and configures zero-code instrumentation solutions into your Kubernetes pods. This enables you to get started with OpenTelemetry instrumentation, and you can further enhance your telemetry by adding manual instrumentation to your application.

In this blog post, you learned the ins and outs of the Operator, from common installation hurdles to resolving auto-instrumentation and Collector deployment issues. With detailed installation steps and troubleshooting tips, you’re now equipped to leverage the Operator effectively for the deployment, configuration, and management of your Collectors and auto-instrumentation of supported libraries.

This blog post is based on a talk that Adriana and Reese did at KubeCon North America’s 2024 co-located event, Observability Day. You can check out the recording of the talk here:

When Things Go Sideways: Troubleshooting the OTel Operator – Adriana Villela & Reese Lee