As cloud complexity increases and security concerns mount, organizations need log analytics to discover and investigate issues and gain critical business intelligence. But exploring the breadth of log analytics scenarios with most log vendors often results in unexpectedly high monthly log bills and aggressive year-over-year costs. To give organizations the freedom to explore log analytics without barriers due to cost concerns, Dynatrace is proud to announce a new Dynatrace Platform Subscription (DPS) pricing model option called Retain with Included Queries.
With this new DPS pricing model option, customers can retain data at a fixed low cost with no additional cost to query for up to 35 days. This model provides a predictable way for customers to manage and analyze logs, drive log management tool consolidation, and reduce costs while gaining maximum value from their log data.
Based on customer feedback, we’re offering the Retain with Included Queries pricing model as an alternative to our existing usage-based plan. Both plans offer the same low ingest price. However, the new all-access plan combines retention and queries into one low price to simplify scoping and budgeting.
Retain with Included-Query pricing simplifies forecasting and annual usage calculation costs. Customers who choose this pricing option get:
- Retention cost: $0.02 per GiB per day
- No cost to query for up to 35 days
- Ingest cost: $0.20 per GiB ingested (no change)
With this approach, the whole team can leverage the power of Grail queries and dashboards without worrying about limiting query usage. Customers can configure the Retain with Included Queries option with retention periods ranging from 10 to 35 days. Customers requiring longer retention periods should opt for our existing usage-based pricing, which supports retention for up to 10 years.
Queries are included
- Predictable pricing: If you know the number of logs you ingest daily, then you’ll know roughly your total annual cost upfront, providing peace of mind and less managerial overhead.
- Simple scoping: Remove the complexity associated with predicting query search volumes. Realize cost savings immediately for high-query usage scenarios. Get started quickly!
- No cost management required: Once your configured retention period ends (a maximum of 35 days), logs are automatically deleted. No oversight is needed over query usage.

Usage-based pricing is still an option
Over time, our existing usage-based pricing is the more cost-optimized option, as you only pay for the queries your users execute, and you benefit from the competitive $0.0007 per GiB per day to retain logs for up to 10 years. Queries are charged at $0.0035 per GiB scanned. Usage-based pricing is ideal for organizations with longer retention requirements and known query patterns. This pricing flexibility allows customers to optimize their log analysis expenses by paying only for what they use.
- Lowest upfront cost
- Charges are strictly based on query execution
- Ideal for businesses with varying query demands
- Adapt dynamically to usage patterns
- Supports log storage from 1 day to 10 years
- Optimal for longer-term log analytics needs
Guidance on using both plans
The Retain with Included Queries pricing option is a great way to get started while you learn about your query usage. Dynatrace includes a ready-made cost dashboard that provides insights into query usage and DQL best practices. Once you develop best practices and are confident with your consumption patterns, you can switch to usage-based pricing to maximize the value of your DPS investment.
Innovations on the horizon*
We’re very excited about our new Retain with Included Queries pricing, but we expect to deliver more updates. This pricing model is part of our plan to introduce new features that help customers align the right pricing strategies to their use cases. With these features, customers can easily see, manage, and choose how to align the Retain with Included Queries pricing with the usage-based pricing model.
Customers will soon be able to mix and match log pricing options on a per-bucket basis and provide users with access to both models simultaneously. This flexibility will allow customers to optimize the pricing selection based on the anticipated use case associated with each bucket, yielding even greater savings and value.
Retain with Included Queries: Start here
With the Retain with Included Queries pricing model, Dynatrace now offers a more cost-effective way to get started with log analytics. Drive efficiency and get more value out your logs with this predictable pricing model while you’re building your log analytics practices.
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