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Dynatrace People & Culture: Building a scalable, inclusive organization

From humble beginnings with a handful of people in Linz, Austria, in 2005, we’ve grown radically into a global team of over 4,200 people. This growth presented organizational challenges that subsequently transformed into strategic opportunities crucial for scaling our operations. Here’s how we're turning these challenges into our strengths by prioritizing the two cornerstones for successful scaling: the people at Dynatrace and the culture that unites us.

The story of Dynatrace is a narrative of ambition, innovation, and scale. Our journey has clearly demonstrated our strength in the market, proven by our industry leadership, 3,600+ customers, and $1.159 billion total revenue in Fiscal Year 2023. But scaling an organization at a drastic speed also comes with growing pains and challenges. In response, we are continually evolving our strategies for ongoing success and growth in the ever-changing market.

In this new series of blog posts about our People & Culture transformation, discover the story behind the challenges we encountered and the actions we’re implementing to sweep them away. This journey is one of continuous learning and innovation: fostering a culture of embracing the new while supporting our talent as we experience significant change.

Streamlining efforts for future growth and innovation

Our vision for this transformation emphasizes an engaged, empowered, and innovative culture. The People & Culture team is committed to delivering an efficient and consistently captivating experience for our exceptional talent. At its core, we’re improving the employee experience by streamlining processes and tooling and integrating new offers, allowing for localization and individualization when needed, to enable Dynatracers to embrace their full potential.

“Our transformation is centered on reshaping our people processes to help make Dynatrace a destination workplace for top talent and fostering an environment where every team member can thrive.” – Sue Quackenbush

Our visionary blueprint: Four pillars of strategic evolution

We’re prioritizing the people and culture at Dynatrace by adhering to the following pillars:

  • Inspiring employee engagement
  • Driving career growth and leadership development
  • Attracting and retaining the right talent
  • Creating a diverse and inclusive environment

1. Inspire employee engagement by championing meaningful “Moments that Matter”

At Dynatrace, we’re committed to making every day meaningful for our team, and every team member excited about contributing to our vision. We identified five key “Moments that Matter” in our employees’ journey that significantly enhance enthusiasm and happiness, from joining the company to receiving feedback to celebrating important life events. Our goal is to create a vibrant employee experience throughout the lifecycle, but how will we know if our strategy is working?

Action item: Measuring employee engagement

To track how strongly our team feels connected to Dynatrace and our leadership, and how supported they feel in their roles, we’re introducing recurring internal global surveys. The scores achieved from anonymous responses will be our benchmark in our yearly evaluations, and the insights will be our guide to pinpointing specific areas where we can improve and elevate our engagement and support system.

2. Drive career growth and nurture leadership in a globally agile environment

We’re dedicated to supporting our team members’ career advancement, ensuring clear pathways for growth and progression in alignment with our business goals. This commitment extends to training, mentoring, and sponsoring future leaders within our organization, developing a plan for internal mobility, and nurturing talent pools.

Action item: Implementing a Global Career Framework and Talent Development opportunities

We’ve thoughtfully developed our Global Career Framework in response to a need for aligned roles across Dynatrace and clear visibility into career paths. This framework offers a transparent map, helping Dynatracers pinpoint their current positions, navigate their advancement opportunities, and easily identify transition possibilities for internal job rotations. We also see the development of future leaders as a must, so we offer initiatives such as hybrid, global leadership training.

3. Attract and retain high-performance talent

In today’s competitive landscape, the key to sustaining growth and innovation lies in our approach to engaging top-tier professionals. At Dynatrace, scaling effectively requires us to attract and keep the right talent to meet our business needs. The question that arises is: how do we ensure that we’re resonating with the diverse needs and aspirations of those who will propel us forward as a market leader?

Action item: Launching the Dynatrace Culture Code

We’re prioritizing hiring individuals who live our values and believe in our mission, purpose, and vision. Over the next few weeks, we’ll continue the global rollout of our very own Culture Code. This code will be key to articulating guiding principles for everyone at Dynatrace, including how we act, make decisions, and interact with one another and our customers daily. It’s crafted to attract skilled professionals who share our values, set clear expectations for all team members, and ensure our culture remains strong, regardless of where in the world our talent is based.

4. Evolve the Dynatrace culture by creating a vibrant, inclusive, diverse organization

Our recent internal global study found that we proudly embrace a unique blend of openness, support, and camaraderie, where ideas are freely exchanged and individuals feel genuinely welcomed. While we acknowledge that silos occasionally exist between regions or departments, our commitment to breaking down these barriers remains unwavering.

Our goal is to strengthen this interconnectedness from Dynatracers around the world, stepping out of traditional office boundaries into a hybrid model done right. We want every individual to truly embrace the Dynatrace culture, as encapsulated in our tagline, “Real vibes. Real people.

Action item: Fostering a culture that embeds our values and unity

To cultivate global connections, we’re committed to creating spaces for meaningful interactions, especially in remote settings. Responding to the need for more intentional remote engagement, we’ve introduced initiatives such as Remote Connect Clubs to strengthen bonds among remote folks, Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) for various interests and identities, and even a podcast featuring the stories of our team members worldwide.

We’re on a journey

This transformation has just started and marks a strategic, ongoing journey for Dynatrace. It’s not just about implementing predetermined solutions; it’s about encouraging an environment where innovation and teamwork thrive by applying these four strategic pillars. We’re dedicated to refining our strategies, embracing change, and learning along the way. Stay tuned as we share the milestones, insights, and feedback we gather, shaping a dynamic and inclusive Dynatrace.

A big thank you to everyone involved—your contributions are instrumental in building a stronger, more connected Dynatrace.

This post is part of our People & Culture series, showcasing our journey’s strategic and operational aspects. More stories from our transformation are on the way.