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ASP.NET performance

Improve your ASP.NET apps and optimize their performance.

  • Visualize business transaction-flows of your ASP.NET apps

    Dynatrace detects the applications’ transactions from end-to-end and points out the execution of each service through our service flow.

  • Resolve ASP.NET Core performance issues at code level

    Dynatrace automatically pinpoints components that are causing issues with big data analytics of billions of dependencies within your application stack.

  • Monitor ASP.NET in different cloud environments

    Gain insights into the health of your ASP.NET apps running in the Azure Cloud or on AWS.

What is ASP.NET?

ASP.NET is a free and open-source rewrite of the ASP.NET framework running on .NET and on Full Framework.

The advantages of ASP.NET are:

  • ASP.NET is a free, open-source, and cross-platform rewrite of the ASP.NET framework. This includes even the pipeline and the hosting model.
  • ASP.NET can run on .NET and on Full Framework.
  • ASP.NET is lightweight and fast.
  • Before the rewrite ASP.NET was tied to IIS. Now it is not anymore. Therefore ASP.NET can be self-hosted or it can be hosted by any web server very easily.
  • ASP.NET is built on top of libuv. That is the same library that is used by Node.js.

Dynatrace supports ASP.NET

As the first provider on the APM market Dynatrace supports ASP.NET and allows permanent ASP.NET performance optimization.

Regardless of where it is hosted, Dynatrace can monitor any ASP.NET application and gives deep insights into the environment. Important performance metrics like response time hotspots, resource time, or failure analysis are collected and shown within minutes after the deployment of Dynatrace.

Dynatrace even captures every request so you can see what happens during the processing of that request including database or other external calls.

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It’s easy to use and it delivers perfect insights for optimizing the workflow experience of our clients. Great tool (not only for .NET environments) and definitely a recommendation!

Start improving your ASP.NET performance with Dynatrace!

You’ll be up and running in under 5 minutes: Sign up, deploy our agent and get unmatched insights out-of-the-box.
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Organizations transforming with Dynatrace

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