
API Documentation:VariantConfiguration

Encapsulates all variant-specific properties into this DSL object.



Specifies options that fine-tune the agent behavior.


Specifies options for the auto start injection feature.


Specifies options that for configuring behavioral events.


Specifies if the crash reporting feature is enabled


Specifies options


Specifies if the variant should be instrumented


Specifies options for excluding classes and methods from instrumentation.


Specifies options for hybrid web view apps.


Specifies options for the lifecycle monitoring feature.


Specifies if the location monitoring feature is enabled


Specifies options for using session replay.


Specifies options for the user action monitoring feature.


Specifies if the user has to opt-in for monitoring. The privacy settings must be configured via OneAgent SDK.


Specifies a regex that will be used to determine the affiliation between this VariantConfiguration an the Android build variants.


Specifies options for the web request monitoring feature.


No methods

Script blocks


Specifies options that fine-tune the agent behavior.


Specifies options for the auto start injection feature.


Specifies options for configuring behavioral events.


Specifies additional configuration properties that should only be used in special cases like troubleshooting.


Specifies options for excluding classes and methods from instrumentation.


Specifies options for hybrid web view apps.


Specifies options for the lifecycle monitoring feature.


Specifies options for using session replay.


Specifies options for the user action monitoring feature.


Specifies options for the web request monitoring feature.

Property details

AgentBehaviorOptions agentBehavior

Specifies options that fine-tune the agent behavior.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see AgentBehaviorOptions.

StartOptions autoStart

Specifies options for the auto start injection feature.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see StartOptions.

BehavioralEventsOptions behavioralEvents

Specifies options that for configuring behavioral events.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see BehavioralEventsOptions.

boolean crashReporting

Specifies if the crash reporting feature is enabled

The default value is true.

Specifies options

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see DebugOptions.

boolean enabled

Specifies if the variant should be instrumented

The default value is true.

Specifies options for excluding classes and methods from instrumentation.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see ExcludeOptions.

HybridOptions hybridWebView

Specifies options for hybrid web view apps.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see HybridOptions.

Specifies options for the lifecycle monitoring feature.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see LifecycleOptions.

boolean locationMonitoring

Specifies if the location monitoring feature is enabled

The default value is false.

SessionReplayOptions sessionReplay

Specifies options for using session replay.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see SessionReplayOptions. How to configure Session Replay.

UserActionOptions userActions

Specifies options for the user action monitoring feature.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see UserActionOptions.

boolean userOptIn

Specifies if the user has to opt-in for monitoring. The privacy settings must be configured via OneAgent SDK.

The default value is false.

String variantFilter

Specifies a regex that will be used to determine the affiliation between this VariantConfiguration an the Android build variants.

If no value is defined, this VariantConfiguration will match all Android build variants.

WebRequestOptions webRequests

Specifies options for the web request monitoring feature.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see WebRequestOptions.

Script block details

agentBehavior { }

Specifies options that fine-tune the agent behavior.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see AgentBehaviorOptions.

autoStart { }

Specifies options for the auto start injection feature.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see StartOptions.

Delegates to:
StartOptions from autoStart

behavioralEvents { }

Specifies options for configuring behavioral events.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see BehavioralEventsOptions.

debug { }

Specifies additional configuration properties that should only be used in special cases like troubleshooting.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see DebugOptions.

Delegates to:
DebugOptions from debug

exclude { }

Specifies options for excluding classes and methods from instrumentation.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see ExcludeOptions.

Delegates to:
ExcludeOptions from exclude

hybridWebView { }

Specifies options for hybrid web view apps.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see HybridOptions.

Delegates to:
HybridOptions from hybridWebView

lifecycle { }

Specifies options for the lifecycle monitoring feature.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see LifecycleOptions.

Delegates to:
LifecycleOptions from lifecycle

sessionReplay { }

Specifies options for using session replay.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see SessionReplayOptions. How to configure Session Replay.

userActions { }

Specifies options for the user action monitoring feature.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see UserActionOptions.

Delegates to:
UserActionOptions from userActions

webRequests { }

Specifies options for the web request monitoring feature.

For more information about the properties you can configure in this block, see WebRequestOptions.

Delegates to:
WebRequestOptions from webRequests