Wave 2023 01 top blue

Cost and carbon optimization

Support carbon emissions reduction initiatives and regulatory requirements with analytics and recommendations that drive informed optimization decisions at data center, host, architecture, and code levels.

Measure and manage carbon emissions from your IT environment

  • Measure energy consumption and carbon emissions across hybrid and multicloud environments
  • Track IT carbon footprint for regulatory purposes
  • Support cost and carbon-reduction initiatives with detailed analytics and recommendations for areas of optimization

Compare consumption and costs across data centers

  • Evaluate moving workloads to a greener or less expensive cloud
  • Easily compare hosting options with automatic summaries of host energy consumption and cloud costs

Gain insight into host- and container-level consumption

  • Get automatic recommendations with lists of idling and scale-down hosts to target for both carbon and cost optimization
  • Make informed decisions to scale or shut down a host with contextual drill-downs to running services

Support green coding initiatives

  • Minimize the environmental footprint throughout the software development lifecycle
  • Drill down to granular details such as service hotspots to support intelligent green coding initiatives

Explore carbon and cost data through your organization's lens

  • Analyze carbon emissions per service
  • Allocate costs to individual teams
  • Discover unallocated costs
  • Investigate carbon emissions anomalies