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Compliance and Resilience

Automate up to 80% of the technical tasks needed to comply with operational resilience and security regulations.

Resilient and reliable digital services

Dynatrace helps your efforts to proactively prevent, detect, and remediate operational resilience risks and manage your compliance efficiently.

  • Manage compliance

    Efficiently meet evolving and intensifying compliance requirements for operational resiliency globally.

  • Prevent and remediate

    Proactively manage risk to prevent, detect, and remediate potential operational issues.

  • Automate

    Set up alerts and triggers to automatically react to anomalies and security events.

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Compliance and resilience in real time

Full-stack observability and security help you map your entire IT environment and prevent, detect, and remediate cybersecurity and resilience risks.

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Understand and map the complexity of IT systems

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Prevent and prioritize security and other incidents

  • Analyze abnormal system behavior and performance problems with Problems
  • Detect vulnerabilities and classify them by their risk level with Vulnerabilities
  • Detect and classify attacks on your environment in real-time with Attacks
  • Automate safe and secure releases with Site Reliability Guardian
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Automate tasks and increase productivity

  • Automatically alert and trigger remediation and reporting with Workflows

A Leader in the 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Observability Platforms

See why Gartner positioned us furthest for Completeness of Vision and highest for Ability to Execute in the latest Magic Quadrant.

2024 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Observability Platforms
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Ready to efficiently manage compliance?

Connect with a Dynatrace expert to discuss how the Dynatrace platform helps you effectively manage resilience and compliance at scale.
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Disclaimer: The estimated effort savings are based on analyzing how customers use Dynatrace and on internal research. They are intended for informational purposes only. Actual results may vary depending on individual organizational factors. Organizations should conduct their own assessments and planning to determine the most appropriate approach for achieving and managing DORA compliance. Dynatrace does not guarantee specific outcomes or savings.