보라색 배경

워크플로 자동화

옵저버빌리티 및 보안 인사이트를 기반으로 하는 간단하면서도 강력한 자동화 기능을 통해 디지털 전환을 가속화합니다.

Dynatrace DevOps 프로세스와 앱 제공 파이프라인 전반에 걸쳐 고급 옵저버빌리티를 제공함으로써, 실제로 발생하기 전에 미리 문제를 포착할 수 있도록 합니다. 따라서 불량 코드가 프로덕션 환경에 유입되어 문제를 일으킬 걱정이 없습니다.
Simon pilar
Simon Pilar IT 운영 부문 임원, ERT

Automate and orchestrate
critical processes

Leverage our easy-to-use visual workflow creator or automation-as-code workflow capabilities to see:

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    IT 비용 절감

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    higher employee satisfaction

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    fewer deployment failures

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    lower IT costs

Turn answers into action quickly
and at scale

Leverage observability and security data to drive Workflow Automations use cases.

Incident triage

  • Automatically create or update tickets and alert the appropriate teams to spare devs from alert storms and false positives.
  • Proactively identify and triage issues with Davis® AI.

Auto-remediation with a closed loop

  • Automatically pinpoint the root cause of incidents and execute remediation workflows through runbook integrations or natively through Dynatrace.
  • Verify issue resolution and update tickets seamlessly.

Quality gates

  • Stop bad quality code in its tracks with quality gates.
  • Ensure code meets your KPIs, SLOs, and security requirements before reaching production, effectively allowing safe, secure, and high-quality releases.

Infrastructure operations

  • Employ predictive analysis to optimize infrastructure sizing by evaluating golden signal performance –ensuring satisfied customers.
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Create custom workflows with AutomationEngine

Our answer-driven automation technology leverages causal and predictive AI to intelligently power BizDevSecOps workflows throughout the DevOps lifecycle.

Automation engine

ACE 서비스 전문가를 활용하여 구현 간소화

  • DevOps 및 SRE 업계 모범 사례 구현 및 채택 가속화

  • 안심하고 IT 문화 혁신

  • 복잡한 DevOps 사용 사례를 몇 달이 아닌 몇 주 만에 해결

무료 평가판 받기

통합 옵저버빌리티 및 보안 플랫폼을 직접 경험해보시기 바랍니다.
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