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Free eBook

Optimize your transition to the cloud with observability

The stakes for agencies to overcome cloud complexity are higher than ever.

You have cloud environments, on-prem systems and ephemeral processes getting spun up without warning. Your constituents expect a seamless experience with every interaction they have with your agency.

As more agencies transition to cloud environments, the complexities and dynamic nature of these environments at scale puts a new set of challenges on the shoulders of IT. And simply put, they cannot manage what they cannot see.

Download the third and final installment of our “Journey to the Cloud” eBook series: Optimize your transition to the cloud with observability to:

  • Understand the challenges associated with advanced observability
  • Overcome the cloud complexity wall
  • Learn about real-world success with the State of Minnesota

To complete your journey, click Understanding your legacy environment and Design and activate your cloud migration strategy to download the entire series.

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