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Digital Disruption – 3 key takeaways for better digital experiences

I recently presented at the Digital Disruption Asia Event in Singapore. My presentation looked at what the best and biggest digital performance leaders are doing today to transform their business; companies like REA Group and Amazon.

1) Digital service delivery has changed and with it the expectation of users. Keeping a generation of spoiled idiots happy is not easy, which means you need accurate insights into their digital experiences. We cannot respond with “try another browser” anymore. Customers demand more.

2) DevOps is not just for IT. We all need to foster better communication, collaboration, and be faster and more efficient at what we do. Gone are the days of working in siloed teams each implementing disparate strategies. The best in the business are roping everyone in together, to focus on one goal – the end user.

3) Data needs to be available to everyone in the organisation. And it needs to be the right pool of data that maps back to the cohesive goal.

Here is the full presentation: