16 Results
Found in 'Infrastructure Observability'

Monitor your Postgres performance via our new EF2.0 extension framework.
Extension- PostgreSQL
- database
- postgres

Google Cloud SQL
Get insights into Google Cloud SQL service metrics collected from the Google Operations API to ensure health of your cloud infrastructure.
Extension- cloud sql
- PostgreSQL
- cloud
- cloud monitoring
- database
- gcp
- Google Cloud Platform
- postgres

Azure SQL Managed
Full observability into cloud database performance and automated monitoring for Azure SQL Managed.
Technology- cloud

Azure SQL Database
Managed cloud database provided as part of Microsoft Azure.
Technology- cloud

Microsoft SQL Server
Improve the health and performance monitoring of your Microsoft SQL Servers.
Extension- mssql
- database
- microsoft

Azure Database for MySQL
Full observability of MySQL servers and database instances to ensure database health and performance.
Technology- cloud

Azure SQL Server Stratch
Dynamically stretch warm and cold transactional data from SQL Server 2016 to Azure.
Technology- cloud

MySQL (remote monitoring)
Remotely monitor your MySQL instances, collect key KPIs and slow queries details
Extension- MySQL
- database

Microsoft SQL Server (local)
Improve the health and performance monitoring of your Microsoft SQL Servers.
Extension- mssql
- sql
- infrastructure monitoring

Azure Database for PostgreSQL
Full insight into database performance for critical workloads with AI-problem detection and more.
Technology- cloud

Couchbase Capella (SaaS) database monitoring
Extension- noSQL
- database
- full-stack
- monitoring
- OneAgent
- performance

Google Firestore in Datastore mode
Get insights into Google Firestore in Datastore mode metrics collected from the Google Operations API to ensure health of infrastructure.
Extension- noSQL
- cloud
- cloud-and-infrastructure
- datastore
- firestore
- gcp
- Google Cloud Platform

Contextualized view of databases for DBAs and app owners.
App- mssql
- PostgreSQL
- application
- database
- db2
- hanadb
- oracle
- saas

Azure Table Storage
Stores structured NoSQL data in the cloud, providing a key/attribute store with a schemaless design.
Technology- cloud

Amazon Athena
Interactive query service that makes it easy to analyze data directly in Amazon S3 using standard SQL.
Technology- cloud

Azure Cosmos DB
Fully managed and serverless distributed database supporting open-source PostgreSQL, MongoDB, and Apache Cassandra.
Technology- cloud