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Found in 'Application Observability'

Kubernetes logo


All-in-one Kubernetes observability for infrastructure and apps teams

  • Kubernetes
  • aks
  • apm
  • EKS
  • gke
  • log-analytics
  • openshift
Kubernetes logo


Harness automation and AI to simplify Kubernetes observability at scale.

  • Kubernetes
  • aks
  • apm
  • ci/cd
  • cloud
  • devops
  • EKS
  • full-stack
  • gke
  • k8s
  • log-analytics
  • openshift
  • pods
Prometheus in Kubernetes logo

Prometheus in Kubernetes

Collect metrics from Prometheus exporters in Kubernetes for Dynatrace analytics

  • Kubernetes
  • cAdvisor
  • Collectd
  • Consul
  • container
  • coredns
  • couchbase
  • couchdb
  • eBPF
  • Elasticsearch
  • Envoy
  • Fluentd
  • HAProxy
  • InfluxDB
  • kafka
  • kube-state-metrics
  • Memcached
  • metrics
  • mssql
  • MySQL
  • NATS
  • node-exporter
  • open observability
  • openshift
  • PostgreSQL
  • RabbitMQ
  • Rancher
  • Redis
  • StatsD
  • Traefik
VMware Tanzu logo

VMware Tanzu

Harness automation and AI to simplify Kubernetes observability at scale.

  • Kubernetes
  • application
  • container
  • infrastructure
  • k8s
  • pivotal
  • pods
  • TGKI
  • TKGI
containerd logo


Distributed tracing and metrics for services in containerd in Kubernetes.

  • Kubernetes
  • container
  • container runtime
  • CRI
  • infrastructure
  • k8s
  • microservices
cri-o logo


Distributed tracing and metrics for services in cri-o containers in Kubernetes.

  • Kubernetes
  • container
  • container runtime
  • CRI
  • infrastructure
  • k8s
  • microservices
  • openshift
Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS logo

Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS

Open-source lightweight OS based on the Linux, providing infrastructure to clustered deployments.

  • Kubernetes
  • cloud
  • infrastructure
  • k8s
  • server-monitoring
Fluentd logo


Stream log data to Dynatrace via Fluentd for analysis.

  • Kubernetes
  • data-collection
  • open observability
Fluent Bit logo

Fluent Bit

Stream logs to Dynatrace via Fluent Bit for analysis and AI observability.

  • Kubernetes
  • data-collection
  • fluent bit
  • journald
  • log-analytics
  • logging
  • log managenet and analytics
  • logs
  • open observability
Linkerd logo


LInkerd service mesh provides runtime debugging, observability, reliability, and security with zero code changes.

  • Kubernetes
  • Prometheus
  • ServiceMesh
Consul Service Mesh (StatsD) logo

Consul Service Mesh (StatsD)

Extend visibility into your Consul Service Mesh instances to monitor health and improve performance.

  • Kubernetes
  • container
  • ServiceMesh
  • StatsD
etcd for OpenShift logo

etcd for OpenShift

Get deep insights into your self-managed OpenShift control plane using etcd metrics exposed on your cluster.

  • Kubernetes
  • control plane
  • etcd
  • k8s
  • openshift
OpenShift Control Plane logo

OpenShift Control Plane

Get deep insights into your OpenShift control plane using metrics exposed by various control plane components.

  • azure kubernetes service
  • API server
  • controller manager
  • control plane
  • etcd
  • openshift
  • scheduler
Azure Container Instance logo

Azure Container Instance

Deploy and manage serverless containers on the Microsoft Azure cloud, without having to manage any underlying infrastructure.

  • azure kubernetes service
  • aks
  • cloud
  • container
  • serverless