All Classes and Interfaces

This class properly generates and initializes the agent Configuration for AppMon usage.
Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when the agent was not able to successfully communicate with the beacon endpoint.
This class is needed for generating the agent Configuration.
This enum represents the different privacy levels that the user can select.
This interface provides functionality to create (child) actions, report events/values/errors and tracing web requests.
OneAgent SDK for Android.
This class properly generates and initializes the agent Configuration for Dynatrace SaaS/Managed usage.
This annotation indicates that a feature is currently work in progress.
This interface defines a set of actions that can be used to interact with currently open user actions.
Classes that implement this interface need to handle the currently open ModifiableUserAction and apply changes to it.
Represents the privacy settings that the user can select.
Builder is used to build instances of UserPrivacyOptions from values configured by the setters.
This class represents a network timing event for reporting the time elapsed between two user-defined time points (startWebRequestTiming and stopWebRequestTiming).