If you hadn’t already heard the news, the entire Dynatrace team is immensely proud to once again been positioned as a Leader in the Gartner 2019 Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring (APM).
If you hadn’t already heard the news, the entire Dynatrace team is immensely proud to once again been positioned as a Leader in the Gartner 2019 Magic Quadrant for Application Performance Monitoring (APM).
But this year is a little different, and very special, because we made history. Not only were we named a Leader, but Dynatrace has been recognized for highest for ability to execute and furthest for completeness of vision in APM Magic Quadrant.
We believe this recognition is a testament to the company’s drive to constantly innovate and be the best in all that we do.
A dinner in Linz changed the course of the company, forever
During our annual Perform event, CEO John Van Siclen explained how several years ago – whilst at a dinner in Linz – we saw the cloud coming, and that it would disrupt everything, meaning monitoring alone would no longer be enough.
In a sea of virtualized layers of abstraction, shared services, and dependencies, the cloud has become increasingly complex. Dynatrace – and more specifically our technical experts – recognized that monitoring application by application would soon become impossible. We knew APM was critical but no longer enough. Our platform needed a full-stack approach, including virtual network infrastructure, containers, applications, and users.
We needed to go beyond APM.
And so, our Dynatracers took a unique and disruptive approach and reinvented everything. Then, in 2015 we introduced Dynatrace, the All-in-one platform, built with AI at the core to help bring more than just monitoring, but deterministic answers, instead of more data. And we believe this recognition is because of our ability to notice those disruptive changes on the horizon and innovate with a disruptive solution.
It takes a team to succeed
Whatever you build is only as powerful as those who created it.
We achieved the highest and furthest overall position for our ability to execute and completeness of vision in the Magic Quadrant for APM. We believe that this is a factor of our success, as well as having a great team of people who share the same goal, aren’t afraid of risks, work tirelessly to complete a project, and who make the life of customers better. This is what sets Dynatrace aside from the competition.
As our CEO constantly reiterates, our recognition owes a big thanks to our team at Dynatrace for all their hard work, and with this team we believe we’ll only further our leadership in the years ahead, I’m sure.
But whilst it takes a great internal team, with the skills needed to innovate and tackle disruption, there’s a wider team behind that drive. And for us, that team is our customers.
We cater for what our customers want, what they need, and that’s an invaluable quality and relationship to have – especially in an environment that’s constantly subject to change in the most radical ways possible.
So, from everyone here at Dynatrace, we thank our customers who constantly challenge and inspire us to keep pushing the boundaries of innovation, and work with us through every step of our transformation and journey to build a product that makes software work perfectly.
Shifting gears beyond APM
Dynatrace is a company that simply thrives on turning disruption into an opportunity. And we believe this recognition is because of our ability to notice those disruptive changes on the horizon and innovate with a disruptive solution.
We believe our Leader positioning in the Magic Quadrant for APM has been a stepping stone to the next innovations of Dynatrace. For us, this year has been all about doing more and making monolithic monitoring a thing of the past; we went beyond APM, with an All-in-one platform, and enhanced it with capabilities that would help users go above and beyond what they thought they’d be able to.
Our most recent innovations, to achieve this include:
- The openness of our AI engine, Davis®, to bring smarter, more deterministic answers to our customers – not more data – with auto detection of anomalies, business impact, and precise root-cause analysis.
- Our Session Replay capability is now available for customers, to enhance their DEM offerings.
- The launch of our Developer Program, to encompass customers and their businesses with the tools they need to reach autonomous cloud management and move beyond APM with us.
But that’s not all.
Over the next year, we’ll be working to evolve these new capabilities and introduce more offerings for integrations with Azure, AWS, Query Language, and more. Davis will continue to get smarter, and our capabilities will continue to pave the way to autonomous cloud for our customers.
Seeing is believing – Witness the capabilities of Dynatrace yourself
Our own expectations have been exceeded with this recognition in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for APM, but we believe this is only the start of Dynatrace leading the industry, and moving beyond APM, and this recognition motivates us to continue to pave the next path forward to our future innovations.
As John said in his Perform Vegas keynote; if autonomous cloud isn’t on your roadmap for 2020, it sure will be for 2025 and Dynatrace is here to help get you to autonomous cloud management and go beyond APM.
Thank you to our customers, partners, and employees who we believe have helped us achieve our position in the Magic Quadrant and have such a successful year. To say we are excited about the next year would be a massive understatement. We’re spearheading the move to the cloud, the disruption, and we want you to continue with us on that journey.
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