Support SLAs

"I really like the support I’ve received from Dynatrace on several occasions – responsive, honest, accurate."

Response times

Initial contact SLA

Dynatrace ONE Dynatrace ONE Premium
1: Critical 4 business hours 2 hours
2: High Next business day 4 hours
3: Medium 2 business days Next business day
4: Low 4 business days 2 business days

Severity classifications

Severity Description
1: Critical Dynatrace production product or mentioned production application unavailable. No workaround available.
2: High Partial product downtime, code functionality not available, or significantly degraded monitored application performance. No workaround available.
3: Medium Non-critical loss or impact to the Dynatrace product or monitored application. Workaround available.
4: Low Other Dynatrace product defects, documentation errors, or other low-priority issue.

Version Support

Product & Component Dynatrace ONE Dynatrace ONE Premium
Dynatrace SaaS
OneAgents 9 months 12 months
ActiveGates 9 months 12 months
Dynatrace Managed
OneAgents 9 months 12 months
ActiveGates 9 months 12 months
Cluster 3 months1 4 months1

1 Cluster updates are fully automated. Customers may delay updates but cannot skip them.