Dynatrace Enrichment Series
In the Enrichment Series, you'll learn about the functionality and user best practices of Dynatrace. Whether you're new to Dynatrace or expanding your skills, join us LIVE in these sessions to deepen your knowledge and get inspired with best practices to bring back to your team.
Your First Steps to Navigating Dynatrace
Join this session led by a Dynatrace expert to learn about the features and functionality of the Dynatrace User Interface.
Onboarding Logs on Grail – Best Practices
Join this session led by a Dynatrace expert to learn how to configure your log monitoring in Grail™, Dynatrace’s powerful data lakehouse.
Monitoring Your Application and Infrastructure Health with Logs in Dynatrace
Join us for this session with a Dynatrace expert to learn how to efficiently monitor the health of your infrastructure and applications using your logs in Dynatrace.