Extend the platform,
empower your team.
Monitor Oracle Exadata systems for performance, usage and availability
ExtensionOracle Exadata extension connects to your Exadata devices and collects Exadata characteristics published by the Oracle Prometheus exporter. Metrics collected are continuously analyzed on Dynatrace platform, leveraging topological Exadata model that the extension maintains. Unified analysis screens offer insight into health and performance of the Exadata platform, including storage server and its components, such as flash cache, cell disks, and grid disks. Out of the box alerts notify on critical issues with the Exadata resources, including memory, CPU and I/O latency.
This extension is intended for users, who:
on Database Servers (including VMs) and CELLCLI
on Storage Servers to create a user with the appropriate privileges to consume the metrics.CREATE ROLE realtime_collector
CREATE USER realtime_collector PASSWORD="password" ### Don't forget to change this password
GRANT ROLE realtime_collector to user realtime_collector
: https://server-name:7879/metricstream/list?stream=true
The extension package contains:
Summary of the entities monitored:
The Oracle Exadata extension collects metrics for:
A: Exadata metric keys have a self-explanatory structure. Knowing it, you will always be able to understand what specific metric represents, exactly, even if its name or description looks similar to other available metrics.
Key to deciphering Exadata metric names:
The value of the name attribute is a composite of abbreviations. The attribute value starts with an abbreviation of the object type on which the metric is defined:
CD_ (cell disk)
CG_ (IORM consumer group, database-qualified)
CL_ (cell)
CT_ (IORM category)
DB_ (IORM database-level)
FC_ (flash cache)
FL_ (flash log)
GD_ (grid disk)
IORM (Input Output Resource Management)
PDB_ (IORM pluggable database)
SIO_ (Smart IO)
After the abbreviation of the object type, most of the name attributes contain one of the following combinations to identify the operation:
IO_BY (I/O amount)
IO_RQ (number of I/O requests)
IO_TM (I/O latency)
IO_WT (I/O wait time)
FC_IO_BY (Flash cache I/O amount)
FC_IO_RQ (Flash cache I/O requests)
FD_IO_BY (Flash disk I/O amount)
FD_IO_RQ (Flash disk I/O requests)
FD_IO_TM (Flash disk latency)
FD_IO_UTIL (Flash disk utilization percentage)
Next, in the name could be
_R (for read) or
_W (for write).
Following that in the name attribute value there might be
_SM or _LG to identify small or
_LG to identify large blocks, respectively.
At the end of the name, there could be
_SEC to signify per seconds or
_RQ to signify per request.
For consumer group and category metrics, read or write details are omitted.
For example: CD_IO_RQ_R_SM is the number of requests to read small blocks on a cell disk. GD_IO_TM_W_LG is the microseconds of I/O latency writing large blocks on a grid disk.
Source: Exadata Database Machine User's Guide section DESCRIBE METRICDEFINITION.
A: You need to configure metric streams on each Exadata server you intend to monitor. Use DBMCLI utility on DB servers. Use CELLCLI utility on cell servers. Or use utilities designed to run administration commands across a number of servers (dcli, exadcli) - see Exadata Software Overview.
A: Metrics must be enabled for Real-Time Insight on the Exadata side. Most likely, metrics are enabled by default on your Exadata system. If they are not, enable metrics for Real-Time Insight with the command:
alter metricdefinition finegrained=enabled where finegrained=disable
You can check what metrics are enabled using command:
list metricdefinition where finegrained=enabled detail
The command returns a detailed list of metrics that are enabled for Real-Time Insight.
A: The formula for DDU consumption of the extension is:
( ( 19 * the number of servers )
+ ( 10 * the number of servers * the number of disks on the server )
+ ( 6 * the number of servers * the number of network interfaces on the server )
+ ( 12 * the number of database servers )
+ ( 1 * the number of database servers * the number of file systems on the DB server )
+ ( 1 * the number of cell servers * the number of file systems on the cell server )
+ ( 25 * the number of cell servers * the number of disks on the cell server )
+ ( 99 * the number of cell servers )
+ ( 16 * the number of cell servers * the number of databases on the cell server )
+ ( 16 * the number of cell servers * the number of pluggable databases on the cell server )
+ ( 5 * the number of cell servers * the number of DB/PDB * the number of consumer groups on the DB/PDB )
+ ( 2 * the number of category plans * the number of cell servers )
+ ( 2 * the number of IP addresses in queue )
+ ( 7 * the number of servers * (4 * the number of ROCE interfaces on the server) )
+ ( 6 * the number of cell servers * (2 * the number of cell disks on the cell server) )
)* 525.6 DDUs/year
Note that this accounts for all extension feature sets enabled, i.e. all possible metrics collected. In case of license consumption concerns, you may disable optional feature sets.
DDU cost above does not include any possible Log events or Custom events triggered by the extension. For more information on this, please visit the DDU log event cost and DDU custom event cost pages.
Below is a complete list of the feature sets provided in this version. To ensure a good fit for your needs, individual feature sets can be activated and deactivated by your administrator during configuration.
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Physical memory utilization by MS | oracle.exadata.CL_MEMUT_MS | Percentage of physical memory used by MS | Percent |
Physical memory utilization by CELLSRV | oracle.exadata.CL_MEMUT_CS | Percentage of physical memory used by CELLSRV | Percent |
Physical memory utilization | oracle.exadata.CL_MEMUT | Percentage of total physical memory on this server that is currently used | Percent |
Disk Controller Battery Temperature | oracle.exadata.CL_BBU_TEMP | Disk Controller Battery Temperature | Unspecified |
Disk Controller Battery Charge | oracle.exadata.CL_BBU_CHARGE | Disk Controller Battery Charge | Percent |
Swap used % | oracle.exadata.CL_SWAP_USAGE | Percentage of swap used | Percent |
Swap read speed kBps | oracle.exadata.CL_SWAP_IN_BY_SEC | Amount of swap pages read in KB per second | KiloBytePerSecond |
Swap write speed kBps | oracle.exadata.CL_SWAP_OUT_BY_SEC | Amount of swap pages written in KB per second | KiloBytePerSecond |
CPU not idle % | oracle.exadata.CL_CPUT | Percentage of time over the previous minute that the system CPUs were not idle. | Percent |
CPU usage by CELLSRV % | oracle.exadata.CL_CPUT_CS | Percentage of CPU time used by CELLSRV | Percent |
CPU usage by MS % | oracle.exadata.CL_CPUT_MS | Percentage of CPU time used by MS | Percent |
Virtual memory used by CELLSRV | oracle.exadata.CL_VIRTMEM_CS | Amount of virtual memory used by CELLSRV in MB | MegaByte |
Virtual memory used by MS | oracle.exadata.CL_VIRTMEM_MS | Amount of virtual memory used by MS in MB | MegaByte |
Temperature (Celsius) of the server | oracle.exadata.CL_TEMP | Temperature (Celsius) of the server, provided by the BMC | Unspecified |
Fans working on the cell | oracle.exadata.CL_FANS | Number of working fans on the cell | Count |
IORM objective for the cell | oracle.exadata.IORM_MODE | I/O Resource Manager objective for the cell | Count |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Cell disk IO errors | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_ERRS | Number of IO errors on a cell disk | Count |
Cell disk IO errors per minute | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_ERRS_MIN | Number of IO errors on a cell disk per minute | PerMinute |
CD large read latency (cumulative ) | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_TM_R_LG | Cumulative latency of reading large blocks from a cell disk | MicroSecond |
CD small read latency (cumulative ) | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_TM_R_SM | Cumulative latency of reading small blocks from a cell disk | MicroSecond |
CD large write latency (cumulative ) | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_TM_W_LG | Cumulative latency of writing large blocks to a cell disk | MicroSecond |
CD large write latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_TM_W_LG_RQ | Average latency of writing large blocks per request to a cell disk | MicroSecond |
CD small write latency (cumulative ) | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_TM_W_SM | Cumulative latency of writing small blocks to a cell disk | MicroSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
FlashCache IOPS | oracle.exadata.PDB_FC_IO_RQ_SEC | Number of IO requests issued by this pluggable database to flash cache per second | PerSecond |
FlashDisks IO Mbps | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_BY_SEC | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this pluggable database to flash disks | MegaBytePerSecond |
FlashDisks IO load (avg) | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_LOAD | Average I/O load from this pluggable database for flash disks | Count |
FD RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_TM | The cumulative latency of reading or writing blocks by this pluggable database from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD large RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_TM_LG | The cumulative latency of reading or writing large blocks by this pluggable database from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_TM_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing blocks per request by this pluggable database from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD small RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_TM_SM | The cumulative latency of reading or writing small blocks by this pluggable database from flash disks | MicroSecond |
Flash utilization | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_UTIL | Percentage of flash resources utilized by this pluggable database | Percent |
Flash utilization by large requests | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_UTIL_LG | Percentage of flash resources utilized by large requests from this pluggable database | Percent |
Flash utilization by small requests | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_UTIL_SM | Percentage of flash resources utilized by small requests from this pluggable database | Percent |
IORM wait for large requests | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_WT_LG | IORM wait time for large IO requests issued to flash disks by this pluggable database | MilliSecond |
IORM wait for small requests | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_WT_SM | IORM wait time for small IO requests issued to flash disks by this pluggable database | MilliSecond |
Hard disks IO MBps | oracle.exadata.PDB_IO_BY_SEC | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this pluggable database to hard disks | MegaBytePerSecond |
Hard disks IO load (avg) | oracle.exadata.PDB_IO_LOAD | Average I/O load from this pluggable database for hard disks | Count |
HDD large RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.PDB_IO_TM_LG | The cumulative latency of reading or writing large blocks by this pluggable database from hard disks | MicroSecond |
HDD small RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.PDB_IO_TM_SM | The cumulative latency of reading or writing small blocks by this pluggable database from hard disks | MicroSecond |
Disk utilization by large requests | oracle.exadata.PDB_IO_UTIL_LG | Percentage of disk resources utilized by large requests from this pluggable database | Percent |
Disk utilization by small requests | oracle.exadata.PDB_IO_UTIL_SM | Percentage of disk resources utilized by small requests from this pluggable database | Percent |
IORM wait for large requests | oracle.exadata.PDB_IO_WT_LG | IORM wait time for large IO requests issued to hard disks by this pluggable database | MilliSecond |
IORM wait for small requests | oracle.exadata.PDB_IO_WT_SM | IORM wait time for small IO requests issued to hard disks by this pluggable database | MilliSecond |
XRMEM PDB cache MB allocated | oracle.exadata.PDB_XRM_BY_ALLOCATED | Number of megabytes allocated in XRMEM cache for this pluggable database | MegaByte |
Cell CPU usage by population jobs % | oracle.exadata.PDB_CPU_UTIL_COL | For this PDB, percentage of cell CPU resources utilized by columnar population jobs | Percent |
Cell CPU usage by smart IO jobs % | oracle.exadata.PDB_CPU_UTIL_SIO | For this PDB, percentage of cell CPU resources utilized by smart IO jobs | Percent |
SIO jobs on cell vs sent back to DB (%) | oracle.exadata.PDB_SIO_OF_PCT | For this PDB, percentage of smart IO jobs processed on the cell versus jobs sent back to the database server because the PDB exhausted its cell CPU limit | Percent |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Cell disk unflushed volume cached | oracle.exadata.CD_BY_FC_DIRTY | Number of unflushed megabytes cached in FLASHCACHE on a cell disk | MegaByte |
CD large read MB | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_BY_R_LG | Number of megabytes read in large blocks from a cell disk | MegaByte |
CD large read MBps | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_BY_R_LG_SEC | Number of megabytes read in large blocks per second from a cell disk | MegaBytePerSecond |
CD Scrubbing job read MB | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_BY_R_SCRUB | Number of megabytes read from a cell disk by the scrubbing job | MegaByte |
CD Scrubbing job read MBps | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_BY_R_SCRUB_SEC | Number of megabytes read per second from a cell disk by the scrubbing job | MegaBytePerSecond |
CD small read MB | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_BY_R_SM | Number of megabytes read in small blocks from a cell disk | MegaByte |
CD small read MBps | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_BY_R_SM_SEC | Number of megabytes read in small blocks per second from a cell disk | MegaBytePerSecond |
CD large write MB | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_BY_W_LG | Number of megabytes written in large blocks to a cell disk | MegaByte |
CD large write MBps | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_BY_W_LG_SEC | Number of megabytes written in large blocks per second to a cell disk | MegaBytePerSecond |
CD small write MB | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_BY_W_SM | Number of megabytes written in small blocks to a cell disk | MegaByte |
CD small write MBps | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_BY_W_SM_SEC | Number of megabytes written in small blocks per second to a cell disk | MegaBytePerSecond |
Cell disk IO errors scrubbed | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_ERRS_SCRUB | Number of IO errors hit by the scrubbing job on a cell disk | Count |
Cell disk IO load | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_LOAD | Average I/O load for the cell disk | Count |
CD large read IOPS | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_RQ_R_LG_SEC | Number of requests to read large blocks per second from a cell disk | PerSecond |
CD scrubbing job read IOPS | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_RQ_R_SCRUB_SEC | Number of requests to read per second from a cell disk by the scrubbing job | PerSecond |
CD small read IOPS | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_RQ_R_SM_SEC | Number of requests to read small blocks per second from a cell disk | PerSecond |
CD large write IOPS | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_RQ_W_LG_SEC | Number of requests to write large blocks per second to a cell disk | PerSecond |
CD small write IOPS | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_RQ_W_SM_SEC | Number of requests to write small blocks per second to a cell disk | PerSecond |
Small request service time | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_ST_RQ | Average service time per request for small IO requests to a cell disk | MicroSecond |
CD large read latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_TM_R_LG_RQ | Average latency of reading large blocks per request to a cell disk | MicroSecond |
CD small read latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_TM_R_SM_RQ | Average latency of reading small blocks per request from a cell disk | MicroSecond |
CD small write latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_TM_W_SM_RQ | Average latency of writing small blocks per request to a cell disk | MicroSecond |
Cell disk utilization | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_UTIL | Percentage of disk resources utilized for the cell disk | Percent |
Cell disk utilization by large requests | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_UTIL_LG | Percentage of disk resources utilized by large requests for the cell disk | Percent |
Cell disk utilization by small requests | oracle.exadata.CD_IO_UTIL_SM | Percentage of disk resources utilized by small requests for the cell disk | Percent |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Unflushed cached MB for a grid disk | oracle.exadata.GD_BY_FC_DIRTY | Number of unflushed megabytes cached in FLASHCACHE for a grid disk | MegaByte |
GD large read IOPS | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_RQ_R_LG_SEC | Number of requests to read large blocks per second from a grid disk | PerSecond |
GD scrubbing job read IOPS | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_RQ_R_SCRUB_SEC | Number of requests to read per second from a grid disk by the scrubbing job | PerSecond |
GD small read IOPS | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_RQ_R_SM_SEC | Number of requests to read small blocks per second from a grid disk | PerSecond |
GD large write IOPS | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_RQ_W_LG_SEC | Number of requests to write large blocks per second to a grid disk | PerSecond |
GD small write IOPS | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_RQ_W_SM_SEC | Number of requests to write small blocks per second to a grid disk | PerSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Active secondary reads MB satisfied from FC | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_ACTIVE_SECONDARY | Number of megabytes for active secondary reads satisfied from flash cache | MegaByte |
Active secondary reads MB not satisfied from FC | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_ACTIVE_SECONDARY_MISS | Number of megabytes for active secondary reads not satisfied from flash cache | MegaByte |
Active secondary read MBps not satisfied from FC | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_ACTIVE_SECONDARY_MISS_SEC | Number of megabytes per second for active secondary reads not satisfied from flash cache | MegaBytePerSecond |
Active secondary read MBps satisfied from FC | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_ACTIVE_SECONDARY_SEC | Number of megabytes per second for active secondary reads satisfied from flash cache | MegaBytePerSecond |
Disk writer MB read | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_DISK_WRITER | Number of megabytes read from flash cache by disk writer | MegaByte |
Disk writer MBps read | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_DISK_WRITER_SEC | Number of megabytes per second read from flash cache by disk writer | MegaBytePerSecond |
DW large reads MB from FC | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_DW | Number of megabytes of large reads (DW) from flash cache | MegaByte |
DW large reads MBps from FC | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_DW_SEC | Number of megabytes of large reads (DW) per second from flash cache | MegaBytePerSecond |
OLTP small reads MB due to keep misses | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_MISS | Number of megabytes of small reads (OLTP) from disks because some of the requested data was not in flash cache | MegaByte |
DW large reads MB due to keep misses | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_MISS_DW | Number of megabytes of large reads (DW) from disks because some of the requested data was not in flash cache | MegaByte |
DW large reads MBps due to keep misses | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_MISS_DW_SEC | Number of megabytes of large reads (DW) per second from disks because some of the requested data was not in flash cache | MegaBytePerSecond |
OLTP small reads MBps due to keep misses | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_MISS_SEC | Number of megabytes of small reads (OLTP) per second from disks because some of the requested data was not in flash cache | MegaBytePerSecond |
Bypass reads MB due to heavy load | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_SKIP_FC_THROTTLE | Number of megabytes read from disk for IO requests that bypass FlashCache due to heavy load on FlashCache | MegaByte |
Bypass reads MBps due to heavy load | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_SKIP_FC_THROTTLE_SEC | Number of megabytes read per second from disk for IO requests that bypass FlashCache due to heavy load on FlashCache | MegaBytePerSecond |
Bypass reads MB due to large IO size | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_SKIP_LG | Number of megabytes read from disk for IO requests that bypass FlashCache due to the large IO size | MegaByte |
Bypass reads MBps due to large IO size | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_SKIP_LG_SEC | Number of megabytes read per second from disk for IO requests that bypass FlashCache due to the large IO size | MegaBytePerSecond |
Bypass reads MBps | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_SKIP_SEC | Number of megabytes read from disks per second for IO requests that bypass FlashCache | MegaBytePerSecond |
Disk writer MB written | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_DISK_WRITER | Number of megabytes written to hard disks by disk writer | MegaByte |
Disk writer MBps written | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_DISK_WRITER_SEC | Number of megabytes per second written to hard disks by disk writer | MegaBytePerSecond |
First write MB into FlashCache | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_FIRST | Number of megabytes that are first writes into flash cache | MegaByte |
First write MBps into FlashCache | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_FIRST_SEC | Number of megabytes per second that are first writes into flash cache | MegaBytePerSecond |
FC metadata writes MB | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_METADATA | Number of megabytes that are flash cache metadata writes | MegaByte |
FC metadata writes MBps | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_METADATA_SEC | Number of megabytes per second that are flash cache metadata writes | MegaBytePerSecond |
FC overwrite MB | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_OVERWRITE | Number of megabytes that are overwrites into flash cache | MegaByte |
FC overwrite MBps | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_OVERWRITE_SEC | Number of megabytes per second that are overwrites into flash cache | MegaBytePerSecond |
FC population writes MB due to read miss | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_POPULATE | Number of megabytes that are population writes into flash cache due to read miss | MegaByte |
FC population writes MBps due to read miss | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_POPULATE_SEC | Number of megabytes per second that are population writes into flash cache due to read miss | MegaBytePerSecond |
Bypass written MB due to heavy load | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_SKIP_FC_THROTTLE | Number of megabytes written to disk for IO requests that bypass FlashCache due to heavy load on FlashCache | MegaByte |
Bypass write MBps due to heavy load | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_SKIP_FC_THROTTLE_SEC | Number of megabytes written per second to disk for IO requests that bypass FlashCache due to heavy load on FlashCache | MegaBytePerSecond |
Bypass written MB due to large IO size | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_SKIP_LG | Number of megabytes written to disk for IO requests that bypass FlashCache due to the large IO size | MegaByte |
Bypass write MBps due to large IO size | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_SKIP_LG_SEC | Number of megabytes written per second to disk for IO requests that bypass FlashCache due to the large IO size | MegaBytePerSecond |
Bypass write MBps | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_SKIP_SEC | Number of megabytes written to disk per second for IO requests that bypass FlashCache | MegaBytePerSecond |
Active secondary read IOPS not satisfied from FC | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_R_ACTIVE_SECONDARY_MISS_SEC | Number of requests per second for active secondary reads not satisfied from flash cache | PerSecond |
Active secondary read IOPS satisfied from FC | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_R_ACTIVE_SECONDARY_SEC | Number of requests per second for active secondary reads satisfied from flash cache | PerSecond |
Disk writer FC read IOPS | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_R_DISK_WRITER_SEC | Number of requests per second read from flash cache by disk writer | PerSecond |
DW large read hit IOPS | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_R_DW_SEC | Number of large reads (DW) per second satisfied from the flash cache | PerSecond |
DW large read miss IOPS | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_R_MISS_DW_SEC | Number of large reads (DW) per second that did not find all data in flash cache | PerSecond |
OLTP small read miss IOPS | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_R_MISS_SEC | Number of small reads (OLTP) per second that did not find all data in flash cache | PerSecond |
Bypass read IOPS due to heavy load | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_R_SKIP_FC_THROTTLE_SEC | Number of requests read from disk per second that bypassed FlashCache due to heavy load on FlashCache | PerSecond |
Bypass read IOPS due to large IO size | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_R_SKIP_LG_SEC | Number of requests read from disk per second that bypass FlashCache due to the large IO size | PerSecond |
Bypass read IOPS | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_R_SKIP_SEC | Number of requests read from disk per second that bypass FlashCache | PerSecond |
Disk writer HDD write IOPS | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_W_DISK_WRITER_SEC | Number of requests per second written to hard disks by disk writer | PerSecond |
First write into FlashCache IOPS | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_W_FIRST_SEC | Number of requests per second that are first writes into flash cache | PerSecond |
FC metadata writes IOPS | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_W_METADATA_SEC | Number of requests per second that are flash cache metadata writes | PerSecond |
FC overwrite IOPS | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_W_OVERWRITE_SEC | Number of requests per second that are overwrites into flash cache | PerSecond |
Population FC write IOPS due to read miss | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_W_POPULATE_SEC | Number of requests per second that are population writes into flash cache due to read miss | PerSecond |
Bypass write IOPS due to heavy load | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_W_SKIP_FC_THROTTLE_SEC | Number of requests written to disk per second that bypass FlashCache due to heavy load on FlashCache | PerSecond |
Bypass write IOPS due to large IO size | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_W_SKIP_LG_SEC | Number of requests written to disk per second that bypass FlashCache due to the large IO size | PerSecond |
Bypass write IOPS | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_W_SKIP_SEC | Number of requests written to disk per second that bypass FlashCache | PerSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Host TX MB dropped | oracle.exadata.N_MB_DROP | Number of megabytes droped during transmission to a particular host | MegaByte |
Host TX MBps dropped | oracle.exadata.N_MB_DROP_SEC | Number of megabytes droped during transmission per second to a particular host | MegaBytePerSecond |
RDMA TX MB dropped | oracle.exadata.N_MB_RDMA_DROP | Number of megabytes dropped during RDMA transmission to a particular host | MegaByte |
RX MB from host | oracle.exadata.N_MB_RECEIVED | Number of megabytes received from a particular host | MegaByte |
Resent MB to host | oracle.exadata.N_MB_RESENT | Number of megabytes resent to a particular host | MegaByte |
Resent MBps to host | oracle.exadata.N_MB_RESENT_SEC | Number of megabytes resent per second to a particular host | MegaBytePerSecond |
TX MB to host | oracle.exadata.N_MB_SENT | Number of megabytes transmitted to a particular host | MegaByte |
RDMA TX retry latency | oracle.exadata.N_RDMA_RETRY_TM | Latency of the retry actions during RDMA transmission to a particular host | MilliSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Exadata Run Queue Length | oracle.exadata.DS_RUNQ | Average number (over the preceding minute) of processes in the Linux run queue marked running or uninterruptible (from /proc/loadavg). | Count |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Sender-side ACK timer expiry count | oracle.exadata.EXW_ROCE_LOCAL_ACK_TIMEOUT_ERR | Network interface sender-side ACK timer expiry count | Count |
Pause frames on the RoCE lane | oracle.exadata.EXW_ROCE_PAUSE | Number of pause frames on the RoCE lane | Count |
Received RNR NAK packets | oracle.exadata.EXW_ROCE_RNR_NAK_RETRY_ERR | Number of received RNR NAK packets | Count |
RX MBytes by the RoCE lane | oracle.exadata.EXW_ROCE_RX_BY | Number of bytes received by the RoCE lane | MegaByte |
RX MBps by the RoCE lane | oracle.exadata.EXW_ROCE_RX_BY_SEC | Number of bytes per second received by the RoCE lane | MegaBytePerSecond |
TX MBytes by the RoCE lane | oracle.exadata.EXW_ROCE_TX_BY | Number of bytes transmitted by the RoCE lane | MegaByte |
TX MBps by the RoCE lane | oracle.exadata.EXW_ROCE_TX_BY_SEC | Number of bytes per second transmitted by the RoCE lane | MegaBytePerSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Keep pool used MB | oracle.exadata.FC_BYKEEP_USED | Number of megabytes used for keep objects on FlashCache | MegaByte |
Allocated MB in FlashCache | oracle.exadata.FC_BY_ALLOCATED | Number of megabytes allocated in flash cache | MegaByte |
Allocated MB for OLTP data in FC | oracle.exadata.FC_BY_ALLOCATED_OLTP | Number of megabytes allocated for OLTP data in flash cache | MegaByte |
OLTP small reads MB | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R | Number of megabytes of small reads (OLTP) from flash cache | MegaByte |
OLTP small reads MBps | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_SEC | Number of megabytes of small reads (OLTP) per second from flash cache | MegaBytePerSecond |
Bypass reads MB | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_SKIP | Number of megabytes read from disks for IO requests that bypass FlashCache | MegaByte |
FlashCache MB written | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W | Number of megabytes written to FlashCache | MegaByte |
FlashCache write MBps | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_SEC | Number of megabytes per second written to FlashCache | MegaBytePerSecond |
Bypass written MB | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_SKIP | Number of megabytes written to disk for IO requests that bypass FlashCache | MegaByte |
OLTP small read hit IOPS | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_R_SEC | Number of small reads (OLTP) per second satisfied from the flash cache | PerSecond |
IOPS successfully populating FC with data | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_W_SEC | Number of requests per second which resulted in FlashCache being populated with data | PerSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Device RX rate MBps | oracle.exadata.OS_IO_BY_R_SEC | Number of bytes read per second from the device | MegaBytePerSecond |
Device TX rate MBps | oracle.exadata.OS_IO_BY_W_SEC | Number of bytes written per second to the device | MegaBytePerSecond |
Device reads completed (req/s) | oracle.exadata.OS_IO_RQ_R_SEC | Number of read requests completed per second for the device | PerSecond |
Device IO request size (avg) | oracle.exadata.OS_IO_RQ_SZ | Average size of IO requests issued to the device | KiloByte |
Device writes completed (req/s) | oracle.exadata.OS_IO_RQ_W_SEC | Number of write requests completed per second for the device | PerSecond |
Device IO request service time (avg) | oracle.exadata.OS_IO_TM_RQ | Average service time of the IO requests issued to the device | MilliSecond |
Device IO requests time percentage | oracle.exadata.OS_IO_UTIL_PCT | Percentage of time during which I/O requests were issued to the device | Percent |
Device IO request latency (avg) | oracle.exadata.OS_IO_WT_RQ | Average latency of the IO requests issued to the device | MilliSecond |
Device read request latency (avg) | oracle.exadata.OS_IO_WT_R_RQ | Average latency of read requests from the device | MilliSecond |
Device write request latency (avg) | oracle.exadata.OS_IO_WT_W_RQ | Average latency of write requests to the device | MilliSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
System load 1m | oracle.exadata.OS_CPU_LOAD1 | System load average over the last 1 minute | Count |
System load 5m | oracle.exadata.OS_CPU_LOAD5 | System load average over the last 5 minutes | Count |
System load 15m | oracle.exadata.OS_CPU_LOAD15 | System load average over the last 15 minutes | Count |
CPU usage % | oracle.exadata.OS_CPU_PCT | Percentage of CPU utilization over the time interval | Percent |
Available memory | oracle.exadata.OS_MEM_BY_AVAIL | Total available server memory | MegaByte |
Free memory | oracle.exadata.OS_MEM_BY_FREE | Total free server memory | MegaByte |
Used memory | oracle.exadata.OS_MEM_BY_USED | Total used server memory | MegaByte |
Usable memory | oracle.exadata.OS_MEM_BY_TOTAL | Total usable server memory | MegaByte |
Swap kB available | oracle.exadata.OS_SWAP_BY_FREE | Total amount of free swap space | KiloByte |
Swap kB used | oracle.exadata.OS_SWAP_BY_USED | Total amount of used swap space | KiloByte |
Swap kB total | oracle.exadata.OS_SWAP_BY_TOTAL | Total amount of swap space | KiloByte |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Average rds-ping latency | oracle.exadata.EXW_RDS_PING | Average rds-ping latency | MicroSecond |
Average rds-ping latency on lane 0 | oracle.exadata.EXW_RDS_PING_0 | Average rds-ping latency on lane 0 | MicroSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Columnar keep pool used MB | oracle.exadata.FC_COL_BYKEEP_USED | Number of megabytes used for keep objects in Columnar FlashCache | MegaByte |
Read MB for keep | oracle.exadata.FC_COL_IO_BYKEEP_R | Number of megabytes read from Columnar FlashCache for keep objects | MegaByte |
Read MBps for keep | oracle.exadata.FC_COL_IO_BYKEEP_R_SEC | Number of megabytes read per second from Columnar FlashCache for keep objects | MegaBytePerSecond |
Read MB from Columnar FC | oracle.exadata.FC_COL_IO_BY_R | Number of megabytes that were read from Columnar FlashCache | MegaByte |
Eligible MB to read from Columnar FC | oracle.exadata.FC_COL_IO_BY_R_ELIGIBLE | Number of megabytes eligible to read from Columnar FlashCache | MegaByte |
Read MBps from Columnar FC | oracle.exadata.FC_COL_IO_BY_R_SEC | Number of megabytes per second that were read from Columnar FlashCache | MegaBytePerSecond |
MB saved by reads from Columnar FC | oracle.exadata.FC_COL_IO_BY_SAVED | Number of megabytes saved by reads from Columnar FlashCache | MegaByte |
MBps saved by reads from Columnar FC | oracle.exadata.FC_COL_IO_BY_SAVED_SEC | Number of megabytes saved per second by reads from Columnar FlashCache | MegaBytePerSecond |
Population columnar FC writes MB due to read miss | oracle.exadata.FC_COL_IO_BY_W_POPULATE | Number of megabytes that are population writes into Columnar FlashCache due to read miss | MegaByte |
Population columnar FC writes MBps due to read miss | oracle.exadata.FC_COL_IO_BY_W_POPULATE_SEC | Number of megabytes per second that are population writes into Columnar FlashCache due to read miss | MegaBytePerSecond |
Read IOPS for keep | oracle.exadata.FC_COL_IO_RQKEEP_R_SEC | Number of requests read per second for keep objects from Columnar FlashCache | PerSecond |
Eligible read IOPS from Columnar FC | oracle.exadata.FC_COL_IO_RQ_R_ELIGIBLE_SEC | Number of reads per second eligible for Columnar FlashCache | PerSecond |
Population write IOPS due to read miss | oracle.exadata.FC_COL_IO_RQ_W_POPULATE_SEC | Number of requests per second that are population writes into Columnar FlashCache due to read miss | PerSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
GD large read MB | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_BY_R_LG | Number of megabytes read in large blocks from a grid disk | MegaByte |
GD large read MBps | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_BY_R_LG_SEC | Number of megabytes read in large blocks per second from a grid disk | MegaBytePerSecond |
GD Scrubbing job read MB | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_BY_R_SCRUB | Number of megabytes read from a grid disk by the scrubbing job | MegaByte |
GD Scrubbing job read MBps | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_BY_R_SCRUB_SEC | Number of megabytes read per second from a grid disk by the scrubbing job | MegaBytePerSecond |
GD small read MB | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_BY_R_SM | Number of megabytes read in small blocks from a grid disk | MegaByte |
GD small read MBps | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_BY_R_SM_SEC | Number of megabytes read in small blocks per second from a grid disk | MegaBytePerSecond |
GD large write MB | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_BY_W_LG | Number of megabytes written in large blocks to a grid disk | MegaByte |
GD large write MBps | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_BY_W_LG_SEC | Number of megabytes written in large blocks per second to a grid disk | MegaBytePerSecond |
GD small write MB | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_BY_W_SM | Number of megabytes written in small blocks to a grid disk | MegaByte |
GD small write MBps | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_BY_W_SM_SEC | Number of megabytes written in small blocks per second to a grid disk | MegaBytePerSecond |
Grid disk IO errors | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_ERRS | Number of IO errors on a grid disk | Count |
Grid disk IO errors per minute | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_ERRS_MIN | Number of IO errors on a grid disk per minute | PerMinute |
Grid disk IO errors scrubbed | oracle.exadata.GD_IO_ERRS_SCRUB | Number of IO errors hit by the scrubbing job on a grid disk | Count |
Read retries for an NVM grid disk | oracle.exadata.GD_NVM_READ_RETRIES | Number of read retries for a non-volatile memory (NVM) grid disk | Count |
Physical space MB allocated for grid disk | oracle.exadata.GD_SP_BY_ALLOCATED | Allocated physical space for grid disk in bytes | MegaByte |
Partial IO bytes returned | oracle.exadata.GD_SP_IO_BY_PARTIAL | Bytes returned by partial IOs | Byte |
Partial IO bytes returned rate (kBps) | oracle.exadata.GD_SP_IO_BY_PARTIAL_SEC | Bytes returned by partial IOs per second | KiloBytePerSecond |
Sparse bytes redirected | oracle.exadata.GD_SP_IO_BY_REDIRECTED | Sparse bytes redirected to original data block | Byte |
Sparse kBps redirected rate (kBps) | oracle.exadata.GD_SP_IO_BY_REDIRECTED_SEC | Sparse bytes redirected to original data block per second | KiloBytePerSecond |
Partial data return requests IOPS | oracle.exadata.GD_SP_IO_RQ_PARTIAL_SEC | Number of IO requests that returned partial data per second | PerSecond |
Allocated physical space % | oracle.exadata.GD_SP_PRCT_ALLOCATED | Allocated physical space for grid disk by percentage | Percent |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Memory available for smart scans | oracle.exadata.EXW_CELLMEM_CELL_AVAIL | Memory available for smart scans | GigaByte |
Memory % available for smart scans | oracle.exadata.EXW_CELLMEM_CELL_AVAIL_PCT | Percentage of memory available for smart scans | Percent |
Memory used/reserved by CELLSRV | oracle.exadata.EXW_CELLMEM_CELL_CELLSRV | Memory used/reserved by CELLSRV | GigaByte |
Kernel memory used by CELLSRV | oracle.exadata.EXW_CELLMEM_CELL_KNL | Estimated kernel memory used by CELLSRV | GigaByte |
Max memory limit for Exadata software | oracle.exadata.EXW_CELLMEM_CELL_MAX | Maximum memory limit for Exadata software | GigaByte |
Memory used/reserved by cell offload servers | oracle.exadata.EXW_CELLMEM_CELL_OFFLOAD | Memory used/reserved by cell offload servers | GigaByte |
Physical memory available in the system | oracle.exadata.EXW_CELLMEM_OS_AVAIL | Physical memory available in the system | GigaByte |
Physical memory % available in the system | oracle.exadata.EXW_CELLMEM_OS_AVAIL_PCT | Percentage of physical memory available in the system | Percent |
Memory used by the OS kernel | oracle.exadata.EXW_CELLMEM_OS_KNL | Memory used by the OS kernel | GigaByte |
System memory total | oracle.exadata.EXW_CELLMEM_OS_TOTAL | Total amount of memory in the system | GigaByte |
Memory used by user-level processes | oracle.exadata.EXW_CELLMEM_OS_USR | Memory used by user-level processes | GigaByte |
XRMEM cache MB allocated total | oracle.exadata.XRM_BY_ALLOCATED | Number of megabytes allocated in XRMEM cache | MegaByte |
Non-blocked sends blocked by congestion | oracle.exadata.EXW_RDS_CONG_SEND_BLOCKED | Number of non-blocked sends that were blocked due to destination congestion | Count |
Blocked sends not completed | oracle.exadata.EXW_RDS_CONG_SEND_ERROR | Number of blocked sends not completed due to destination congestion | Count |
Times the 1MB pool reached maximum capacity | oracle.exadata.EXW_RDS_IB_MR_1M_POOL_DEPLETED | Number of times the 1MB pool reached maximum capacity | Count |
Times the 8KB pool reached maximum capacity | oracle.exadata.EXW_RDS_IB_RDMA_MR_8K_POOL_DEPLETED | Number of times the 8KB pool reached maximum capacity | Count |
Send requests exceeding 500ms to complete | oracle.exadata.EXW_RDS_IB_TX_STALLED | Number of network send requests exceeding 500ms to complete | Count |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
File system space utilization | oracle.exadata.DS_FSUT | Percentage of total space on this file system that is currently used | Percent |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
FlashCache IO MBps | oracle.exadata.CLU_FC_IO_BY_SEC | Number of megabytes of I/O per second to flash cache by this cluster | MegaBytePerSecond |
FlashDisks IO Mbps | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_BY_SEC | Number of megabytes of I/O per second to flash disks by this cluster | MegaBytePerSecond |
Flash utilization | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_UTIL | Percentage of flash resources utilized by this cluster | Percent |
Hard disks IO MBps | oracle.exadata.CLU_IO_BY_SEC | Number of megabytes of I/O per second to hard disks by this cluster | MegaBytePerSecond |
Disk utilization by large requests | oracle.exadata.CLU_IO_UTIL_LG | Percentage of disk resources utilized by large requests from this cluster | Percent |
Disk utilization by small requests | oracle.exadata.CLU_IO_UTIL_SM | Percentage of disk resources utilized by small requests from this cluster | Percent |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Flash utilization | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_UTIL | Percentage of flash resources utilized by this consumer group | Percent |
Flash utilization by large requests | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_UTIL_LG | Percentage of flash resources utilized by large requests from this consumer group | Percent |
Flash utilization by small requests | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_UTIL_SM | Percentage of flash resources utilized by small requests from this consumer group | Percent |
Disk utilization by large requests | oracle.exadata.CG_IO_UTIL_LG | Percentage of disk resources utilized by large requests from this consumer group | Percent |
Disk utilization by small requests | oracle.exadata.CG_IO_UTIL_SM | Percentage of disk resources utilized by small requests from this consumer group | Percent |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
RDMA TX MBps dropped | oracle.exadata.N_MB_RDMA_DROP_SEC | Number of megabytes dropped during RDMA transmission per second to a particular host | MegaBytePerSecond |
RX MBps from host | oracle.exadata.N_MB_RECEIVED_SEC | Number of megabytes per second received from a particular host | MegaBytePerSecond |
TX MBps to host | oracle.exadata.N_MB_SENT_SEC | Number of megabytes transmitted per second to a particular host | MegaBytePerSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
FC large request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CLU_FC_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | Number of large IO requests issued to flash cache per second by this cluster | PerSecond |
FlashCache IOPS | oracle.exadata.CLU_FC_IO_RQ_SEC | Number of IO requests issued to flash cache per second by this cluster | PerSecond |
FC small request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CLU_FC_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | Number of small IO requests issued to flash cache per second by this cluster | PerSecond |
FlashDisks IO load (avg) | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_LOAD | Average I/O load for flash disks from this cluster | Count |
FD large request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | Number of large IO requests issued to flash disks per second by this cluster | PerSecond |
FD small request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | Number of small IO requests issued to flash disks per second by this cluster | PerSecond |
FD RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_TM | For this cluster, the cumulative latency for block read or write requests from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD large RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_TM_LG | For this cluster, the cumulative latency for large block read or write requests from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD large RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_TM_LG_RQ | For this cluster, the average latency for each large block read or write request from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_TM_RQ | For this cluster, the average latency for each block read or write request from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD small RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_TM_SM | For this cluster, the cumulative latency for small block read or write requests from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD small RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_TM_SM_RQ | For this cluster, the average latency for each small block read or write request from flash disks | MicroSecond |
Flash utilization by large requests | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_UTIL_LG | Percentage of flash resources utilized by large requests from this cluster | Percent |
Flash utilization by small requests | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_UTIL_SM | Percentage of flash resources utilized by small requests from this cluster | Percent |
IORM wait for large requests | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_WT_LG | IORM wait time for large IO requests issued to flash disks by this cluster | MilliSecond |
IORM wait /req for large requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_WT_LG_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for large IO requests issued to flash disks by this cluster | MilliSecond |
IORM wait for small requests | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_WT_SM | IORM wait time for small IO requests issued to flash disks by this cluster | MilliSecond |
IORM wait /req for small requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.CLU_FD_IO_WT_SM_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for small IO requests issued to flash disks by this cluster | MilliSecond |
Hard disks IO load (avg) | oracle.exadata.CLU_IO_LOAD | Average I/O load for hard disks from this cluster | Count |
HDD large request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CLU_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | Number of large IO requests issued to hard disks per second by this cluster | PerSecond |
HDD small request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CLU_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | Number of small IO requests issued to hard disks per second by this cluster | PerSecond |
HDD large RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.CLU_IO_TM_LG | For this cluster, the cumulative latency for large block read or write requests from hard disks | MicroSecond |
HDD large RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CLU_IO_TM_LG_RQ | For this cluster, the average latency for each large block read or write request from hard disks | MicroSecond |
HDD small RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.CLU_IO_TM_SM | For this cluster, the cumulative latency for small block read or write requests from hard disks | MicroSecond |
HDD small RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CLU_IO_TM_SM_RQ | For this cluster, the average latency for each small block read or write request from hard disks | MicroSecond |
IORM wait for large requests | oracle.exadata.CLU_IO_WT_LG | IORM wait time for large IO requests issued to hard disks by this cluster | MilliSecond |
IORM wait /req for large requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.CLU_IO_WT_LG_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for large IO requests issued to hard disks by this cluster | MilliSecond |
IORM wait for small requests | oracle.exadata.CLU_IO_WT_SM | IORM wait time for small IO requests issued to hard disks by this cluster | MilliSecond |
IORM wait /req for small requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.CLU_IO_WT_SM_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for small IO requests issued to hard disks by this cluster | MilliSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
FlashCache MB allocated | oracle.exadata.PDB_FC_BY_ALLOCATED | Number of megabytes allocated in flash cache for this pluggable database | MegaByte |
FlashCache IO MBps | oracle.exadata.PDB_FC_IO_BY_SEC | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this pluggable database to flash cache | MegaBytePerSecond |
FC large request IOPS | oracle.exadata.PDB_FC_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | Number of large IO requests issued by this pluggable database to flash cache per second | PerSecond |
FC small request IOPS | oracle.exadata.PDB_FC_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | Number of small IO requests issued by this pluggable database to flash cache per second | PerSecond |
FD large request IOPS | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | Number of large IO requests issued by this pluggable database to flash disks per second | PerSecond |
FD small request IOPS | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | Number of small IO requests issued by this pluggable database to flash disks per second | PerSecond |
FD large RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_TM_LG_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing large blocks per request by this pluggable database from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD small RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_TM_SM_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing small blocks per request by this pluggable database from flash disks | MicroSecond |
IORM wait /req for large requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_WT_LG_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for large IO requests issued to flash disks by this pluggable database | MilliSecond |
IORM wait /req for small requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.PDB_FD_IO_WT_SM_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for small IO requests issued to flash disks by this pluggable database | MilliSecond |
HDD large request IOPS | oracle.exadata.PDB_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | Number of large IO requests issued by this pluggable database to hard disks per second | PerSecond |
HDD small request IOPS | oracle.exadata.PDB_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | Number of small IO requests issued by this pluggable database to hard disks per second | PerSecond |
HDD large RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.PDB_IO_TM_LG_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing large blocks per request by this pluggable database from hard disks | MicroSecond |
HDD small RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.PDB_IO_TM_SM_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing small blocks per request by this pluggable database from hard disks | MicroSecond |
IORM wait /req for large requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.PDB_IO_WT_LG_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for large IO requests issued to hard disks by this pluggable database | MilliSecond |
IORM wait /req for small requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.PDB_IO_WT_SM_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for small IO requests issued to hard disks by this pluggable database | MilliSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Unflushed MB on keep pool | oracle.exadata.FC_BYKEEP_DIRTY | Number of megabytes unflushed for keep objects on FlashCache | MegaByte |
OLTP keep pool MB | oracle.exadata.FC_BYKEEP_OLTP | Number of megabytes for OLTP keep objects in flash cache | MegaByte |
Pushed out MB due to keep pool limits | oracle.exadata.FC_BYKEEP_OVERWR | Number of megabytes pushed out of the FlashCache because of space limit for keep objects | MegaByte |
Pushed out MBps due to keep pool limits | oracle.exadata.FC_BYKEEP_OVERWR_SEC | Number of megabytes per second pushed out of the FlashCache because of space limit for keep objects | MegaBytePerSecond |
Allocated MB for unflushed data in FC | oracle.exadata.FC_BY_ALLOCATED_DIRTY | Number of megabytes allocated for unflushed data in flash cache | MegaByte |
Unflushed MB in FlashCache | oracle.exadata.FC_BY_DIRTY | Number of unflushed megabytes in FlashCache | MegaByte |
Unflushed MB due to disk not accessible | oracle.exadata.FC_BY_STALE_DIRTY | Number of unflushed megabytes in FlashCache which cannot be flushed because cached disks are not accessible | MegaByte |
Used MB on FlashCache | oracle.exadata.FC_BY_USED | Number of megabytes used on FlashCache | MegaByte |
FlashCache IO errors | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_ERRS | Number of IO errors on FlashCache | Count |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
RX MBps on InfiniBand interfaces | oracle.exadata.N_HCA_MB_RCV_SEC | Number of megabytes received by InfiniBand interfaces per second | MegaBytePerSecond |
TX MBps on InfiniBand interfaces | oracle.exadata.N_HCA_MB_TRANS_SEC | Number of megabytes transmitted by InfiniBand interfaces per second | MegaBytePerSecond |
InfiniBand RX port MBps | oracle.exadata.N_IB_MB_RCV_SEC | Number of megabytes received by an InfiniBand port per second | MegaBytePerSecond |
InfiniBand TX port MBps | oracle.exadata.N_IB_MB_TRANS_SEC | Number of megabytes transmitted by an InfiniBand port per second | MegaBytePerSecond |
InfiniBand RX port utilization | oracle.exadata.N_IB_UTIL_RCV | Percentage of an InfiniBand port capacity utilized for receiving data | Percent |
InfiniBand TX port utilization | oracle.exadata.N_IB_UTIL_TRANS | Percentage of an InfiniBand port capacity utilized for transmitting data | Percent |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
IOPS with no data returned | oracle.exadata.CL_IO_RQ_NODATA_SEC | Number of IO requests that did not return data per second | PerSecond |
Exadata Run Queue Length | oracle.exadata.CL_RUNQ | Average number (over the preceding minute) of processes in the Linux run queue marked running or uninterruptible (from /proc/loadavg). | Count |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
FlashCache IO MBps | oracle.exadata.CT_FC_IO_BY_SEC | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this category to flash cache | MegaBytePerSecond |
FlashDisks IO Mbps | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_BY_SEC | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this category to flash disks | MegaBytePerSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Background SIO CPU time used (us/sec) | oracle.exadata.SIO_BG_CPU_SEC | CPU time used by background smart IO per second | PerSecond |
Foreground SIO CPU time used (us/sec) | oracle.exadata.SIO_FG_CPU_SEC | CPU time used by foreground smart IO per second | PerSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
FC keep pool read MB | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BYKEEP_R | Number of megabytes read from FlashCache for keep objects | MegaByte |
FC keep pool read MBps | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BYKEEP_R_SEC | Number of megabytes read per second from FlashCache for keep objects | MegaBytePerSecond |
FC keep pool write MB | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BYKEEP_W | Number of megabytes written to FlashCache for keep objects | MegaByte |
FC keep pool write MBps | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BYKEEP_W_SEC | Number of megabytes per second written to FlashCache for keep objects | MegaBytePerSecond |
MB written from FC to hard disks | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_DISK_WRITE | Number of megabytes written from flash cache to hard disks | MegaByte |
MBps written from FC to hard disks | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_DISK_WRITE_SEC | Number of megabytes per second written from flash cache to hard disks | MegaBytePerSecond |
Bypass reads MB due to not mirrored IO | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_R_SKIP_NCMIRROR | Number of megabytes read from disk for IO requests that bypass FlashCache as the IO is on non-primary, non-active secondary mirror | MegaByte |
FC large write MB due to cache hint | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_LG_CHINT | Number of megabytes used for large writes to flash cache due to cache hint | MegaByte |
FC data aging large writes MB | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_LG_DTAGE | Number of megabytes used for data aging large writes to flash cache | MegaByte |
FC media recovery large writes MB | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_LG_MRCV | Number of megabytes used for media recovery large writes to flash cache | MegaByte |
Bypass written MB due to not mirrored IO | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_BY_W_SKIP_NCMIRROR | Number of megabytes written to disk for IO requests that bypass FlashCache as the IO is on non-primary, non-active secondary mirror | MegaByte |
FC keep pool read IOPS missed | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQKEEP_R_MISS_SEC | Number of read requests per second for keep objects which did not find all data in FlashCache | PerSecond |
FC keep pool read IOPS | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQKEEP_R_SEC | Number of read requests per second for keep objects from FlashCache | PerSecond |
FC keep pool read IOPS resulting in bypass | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQKEEP_R_SKIP_SEC | Number of read requests per second for keep objects that bypass FlashCache | PerSecond |
FC keep pool read IOPS which populated data | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQKEEP_W_SEC | Number of requests per second for keep objects which resulted in FlashCache being populated with data | PerSecond |
FlashCache to HDD write IOPS | oracle.exadata.FC_IO_RQ_DISK_WRITE_SEC | Number of requests per second written from flash cache to hard disks | PerSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Columnar FlashCache used | oracle.exadata.FC_COL_BY_USED | Number of megabytes used in Columnar FlashCache | MegaByte |
Eligible MBps to read from Columnar FC | oracle.exadata.FC_COL_IO_BY_R_ELIGIBLE_SEC | Number of megabytes per second eligible to read from Columnar FlashCache | MegaBytePerSecond |
Read IOPS from Columnar FC | oracle.exadata.FC_COL_IO_RQ_R_SEC | Number of requests per second that were read from Columnar FlashCache | PerSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Interface RX MBps | oracle.exadata.OS_NET_RX_BY_SEC | Number of bytes received by the network interface | MegaBytePerSecond |
Interface CRC error rate (pps) | oracle.exadata.OS_NET_RX_CRC_ERROR_SEC | Number of packets with a CRC error received on the network interface | PerSecond |
Interface RX drop rate (pps) | oracle.exadata.OS_NET_RX_DRP_SEC | Number of packets dropped by the network interface | PerSecond |
Interface framing error rate (pps) | oracle.exadata.OS_NET_RX_FRAME_ERROR_SEC | Number of receiver-side frame alignment errors on the network interface | PerSecond |
Interface TX MBps | oracle.exadata.OS_NET_TX_BY_SEC | Number of bytes transmitted by the network interface | MegaBytePerSecond |
Interface TX drop rate (pps) | oracle.exadata.OS_NET_TX_DRP_SEC | Number of packets dropped by the network interface | PerSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Flash Logging MB written to hard disk | oracle.exadata.FL_IO_DB_BY_W | The number of MB written to hard disk by Smart Flash Logging | MegaByte |
Flash Logging write to hard disk MBps | oracle.exadata.FL_IO_DB_BY_W_SEC | The rate which is the number of MB per second written to hard disk by Smart Flash Logging | MegaBytePerSecond |
Flash Logging MB written to flash | oracle.exadata.FL_IO_FL_BY_W | The number of MB written to flash by Smart Flash Logging | MegaByte |
Flash Logging write to flash MBps | oracle.exadata.FL_IO_FL_BY_W_SEC | The rate which is the number of MB per second written to flash by Smart Flash Logging | MegaBytePerSecond |
Redo log writes cumulative latency | oracle.exadata.FL_IO_TM_W | Cumulative latency of all redo log writes | MicroSecond |
Redo log writes average latency | oracle.exadata.FL_IO_TM_W_RQ | Average latency of all redo log writes | MicroSecond |
Redo writes skipped per minute due to not enough data on disk | oracle.exadata.FL_IO_W_SKIP_BUSY_MIN | The number of redo writes during the last minute that could not be serviced by Smart Flash Logging because too much data had not yet been written to disk | PerMinute |
Redo log writes e2e cumulative latency | oracle.exadata.FL_RQ_TM_W | Cumulative latency of all redo log write requests (includes network and other processing overhead) | MicroSecond |
Redo log writes e2e average latency | oracle.exadata.FL_RQ_TM_W_RQ | Average latency of all redo log write requests | MicroSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Disk Controller Battery Temperature | oracle.exadata.DS_BBU_TEMP | Disk Controller Battery Temperature | Unspecified |
Disk Controller Battery Charge | oracle.exadata.DS_BBU_CHARGE | Disk Controller Battery Charge | Percent |
CPU not idle % | oracle.exadata.DS_CPUT | Percentage of time over the previous minute that the system CPUs were not idle. | Percent |
CPU usage by MS % | oracle.exadata.DS_CPUT_MS | Percentage of CPU time used by MS | Percent |
Fans working on the server | oracle.exadata.DS_FANS | Number of working fans on the server | Count |
Physical memory utilization | oracle.exadata.DS_MEMUT | Percentage of total physical memory on this server that is currently used | Percent |
Physical memory utilization by MS | oracle.exadata.DS_MEMUT_MS | Percentage of physical memory used by MS | Percent |
Swap read speed kBps | oracle.exadata.DS_SWAP_IN_BY_SEC | Amount of swap pages read in KB per second | KiloBytePerSecond |
Swap write speed kBps | oracle.exadata.DS_SWAP_OUT_BY_SEC | Amount of swap pages written in KB per second | KiloBytePerSecond |
Swap used % | oracle.exadata.DS_SWAP_USAGE | Percentage of swap used | Percent |
Temperature (Celsius) of the server | oracle.exadata.DS_TEMP | Temperature (Celsius) of the server, provided by the BMC | Unspecified |
Virtual memory used by MS | oracle.exadata.DS_VIRTMEM_MS | Amount of virtual memory used by MS in MB | MegaByte |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
File system space utilization | oracle.exadata.CL_FSUT | Percentage of total space on this file system that is currently used | Percent |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Ethernet RX kBps | oracle.exadata.N_NIC_KB_RCV_SEC | Number of kilobytes received by Ethernet interfaces per second | KiloBytePerSecond |
Ethernet TX kBps | oracle.exadata.N_NIC_KB_TRANS_SEC | Number of kilobytes transmitted by Ethernet interfaces per second | KiloBytePerSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Redo data saved on flash due to disk I/O errors | oracle.exadata.FL_BY_KEEP | The amount of redo data saved on flash due to disk I/O errors | Count |
Flash Logging efficiency | oracle.exadata.FL_EFFICIENCY_PERCENTAGE | The efficiency of Smart Flash Logging expressed as a percentage | Percent |
Flash Logging efficiency past hour | oracle.exadata.FL_EFFICIENCY_PERCENTAGE_HOUR | The efficiency of Smart Flash Logging over the last hour expressed as a percentage | Percent |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
FlashCache IOPS | oracle.exadata.DB_FC_IO_RQ_SEC | Number of IO requests issued by a database to flash cache per second | PerSecond |
FlashDisks IO Mbps | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_BY_SEC | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this database to flash disks | MegaBytePerSecond |
FlashDisks IO load (avg) | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_LOAD | Average I/O load from this database for flash disks | Count |
FD RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_TM | The cumulative latency of reading or writing blocks by a database from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD large RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_TM_LG | The cumulative latency of reading or writing large blocks by a database from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_TM_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing blocks per request by a database from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD small RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_TM_SM | The cumulative latency of reading or writing small blocks by a database from flash disks | MicroSecond |
Flash utilization | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_UTIL | Percentage of flash resources utilized by this database | Percent |
Flash utilization by large requests | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_UTIL_LG | Percentage of flash resources utilized by large requests from this database | Percent |
Flash utilization by small requests | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_UTIL_SM | Percentage of flash resources utilized by small requests from this database | Percent |
IORM wait for large requests | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_WT_LG | IORM wait time for large IO requests issued to flash disks by a database | MilliSecond |
IORM wait for small requests | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_WT_SM | IORM wait time for small IO requests issued to flash disks by a database | MilliSecond |
Flash Log MB written | oracle.exadata.DB_FL_IO_BY | The number of MB written to the Flash Log | MegaByte |
Flash Log write rate MBps | oracle.exadata.DB_FL_IO_BY_SEC | The number of MB written per second to the Flash Log | MegaBytePerSecond |
Flash Log request IOPS | oracle.exadata.DB_FL_IO_RQ_SEC | The number of I/O requests per second issued to the Flash Log | PerSecond |
Hard disks IO MBps | oracle.exadata.DB_IO_BY_SEC | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this database to hard disks | MegaBytePerSecond |
Hard disks IO load (avg) | oracle.exadata.DB_IO_LOAD | Average I/O load from this database for hard disks | Count |
HDD large RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.DB_IO_TM_LG | The cumulative latency of reading or writing large blocks by a database from hard disks | MicroSecond |
HDD small RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.DB_IO_TM_SM | The cumulative latency of reading or writing small blocks by a database from hard disks | MicroSecond |
Disk utilization by large requests | oracle.exadata.DB_IO_UTIL_LG | Percentage of disk resources utilized by large requests from this database | Percent |
Disk utilization by small requests | oracle.exadata.DB_IO_UTIL_SM | Percentage of disk resources utilized by small requests from this database | Percent |
IORM wait for large requests | oracle.exadata.DB_IO_WT_LG | IORM wait time for large IO requests issued to hard disks by a database | MilliSecond |
IORM wait for small requests | oracle.exadata.DB_IO_WT_SM | IORM wait time for small IO requests issued to hard disks by a database | MilliSecond |
XRMEM DB cache MB allocated | oracle.exadata.DB_XRM_BY_ALLOCATED | Number of megabytes allocated in XRMEM cache for this database | MegaByte |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
Eligible MB for smart IO offload | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_EL_OF | Cumulative number of megabytes eligible for smart IO offload | MegaByte |
Eligible MBps for smart IO offload | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_EL_OF_SEC | Number of megabytes per second eligible for smart IO offload | MegaBytePerSecond |
Interconnect returned MB | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_OF_RE | Cumulative number of interconnect megabytes returned by smart IO | MegaByte |
Interconnect returned MBps | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_OF_RE_SEC | Number of interconnect megabytes per second returned by smart IO | MegaBytePerSecond |
Passthru IO MB | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_PA_TH | Cumulative number of megabytes of passthru IOs by smart IO | MegaByte |
Passthru IO MBps | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_PA_TH_SEC | Number of megabytes per second of passthru IOs by smart IO | MegaBytePerSecond |
SIO reads MB from FlashCache | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_RD_FC | Cumulative number of megabytes read from flash cache by smart IO | MegaByte |
SIO reads MB total | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_RD_FC_HD | Cumulative number of megabytes read from both flash cache and hard disk by smart IO | MegaByte |
SIO reads MBps total | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_RD_FC_HD_SEC | Number of megabytes per second read from both flash cache and hard disk by smart IO | MegaBytePerSecond |
SIO reads MBps from FlashCache | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_RD_FC_SEC | Number of megabytes per second read from flash cache by smart IO | MegaBytePerSecond |
SIO reads MB from HDD | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_RD_HD | Cumulative number of megabytes read from hard disk by smart IO | MegaByte |
SIO reads MBps from HDD | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_RD_HD_SEC | Number of megabytes per second read from hard disk by smart IO | MegaBytePerSecond |
SIO read IOPS total | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_RD_RQ_FC_HD_SEC | Number of read IO requests per second from both flash cache and hard disk by smart IO | PerSecond |
SIO FC read IOPS | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_RD_RQ_FC_SEC | Number of read IO requests per second from flash cache by smart IO | PerSecond |
SIO HDD read IOPS | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_RD_RQ_HD_SEC | Number of read IO requests per second from hard disk by smart IO | PerSecond |
DB node MB sent to balance CPU | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_RV_OF | Cumulative number of megabytes sent to DB node to balance CPU by smart IO | MegaByte |
DB node MBps sent to balance CPU | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_RV_OF_SEC | Number of megabytes per second sent to DB node to balance CPU by smart IO | MegaBytePerSecond |
Storage index save MB | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_SI_SV | Cumulative number of megabytes saved by storage index | MegaByte |
Storage index save MBps | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_SI_SV_SEC | Number of megabytes per second saved by storage index | MegaBytePerSecond |
SIO FC population writes MB | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_WR_FC | Cumulative number of megabytes of flash cache population writes by smart IO | MegaByte |
SIO FC population writes MBps | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_WR_FC_SEC | Number of megabytes per second of flash cache population writes by smart IO | MegaBytePerSecond |
SIO to HDD written MB | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_WR_HD | Cumulative number of megabytes written to hard disk by smart IO | MegaByte |
SIO to HDD write MBps | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_WR_HD_SEC | Number of megabytes per second written to hard disk by smart IO | MegaBytePerSecond |
SIO FC population write IOPS | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_WR_RQ_FC_SEC | Number of IO requests per second for flash cache population writes by smart IO | PerSecond |
SIO to HDD write IOPS | oracle.exadata.SIO_IO_WR_RQ_HD_SEC | Number of write IO requests per second to hard disk by smart IO | PerSecond |
Background SIO CPU time used (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.SIO_BG_CPU | Cumulative CPU time used by background smart IO | MicroSecond |
Foreground SIO CPU time used (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.SIO_FG_CPU | Cumulative CPU time used by foreground smart IO | MicroSecond |
BG PDB SIO CPU time used (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.SIO_PDB_BG_CPU | Cumulative CPU time used by background smart IO for this pluggable database | MicroSecond |
BG PDB SIO CPU time used (us/sec) | oracle.exadata.SIO_PDB_BG_CPU_SEC | CPU time used by background smart IO per second for this pluggable database | PerSecond |
FG PDB SIO CPU time used (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.SIO_PDB_FG_CPU | Cumulative CPU time used by foreground smart IO for this pluggable database | MicroSecond |
FG PDB SIO CPU time used (us/sec) | oracle.exadata.SIO_PDB_FG_CPU_SEC | CPU time used by foreground smart IO per second for this pluggable database | PerSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
FC large request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CT_FC_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | Number of large IO requests issued by an IORM category to flash cache per second | PerSecond |
FlashCache IOPS | oracle.exadata.CT_FC_IO_RQ_SEC | Number of IO requests issued by an IORM category to flash cache per second | PerSecond |
FC small request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CT_FC_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | Number of small IO requests issued by an IORM category to flash cache per second | PerSecond |
FlashDisks IO load (avg) | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_LOAD | Average I/O load from this category for flash disks | Count |
FD large request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | Number of large IO requests issued by an IORM category to flash disks per second | PerSecond |
FD small request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | Number of small IO requests issued by an IORM category to flash disks per second | PerSecond |
FD RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_TM | The cumulative latency of reading or writing blocks for this category from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD large RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_TM_LG | The cumulative latency of reading or writing large blocks for this category from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD large RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_TM_LG_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing large blocks per request for this category from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_TM_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing blocks per request for this category from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD small RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_TM_SM | The cumulative latency of reading or writing small blocks for this category from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD small RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_TM_SM_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing small blocks per request for this category from flash disks | MicroSecond |
Flash utilization | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_UTIL | Percentage of flash resources utilized by this category | Percent |
Flash utilization by large requests | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_UTIL_LG | Percentage of flash resources utilized by large requests from this category | Percent |
Flash utilization by small requests | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_UTIL_SM | Percentage of flash resources utilized by small requests from this category | Percent |
IORM wait for large requests | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_WT_LG | IORM wait time for large IO requests issued to flash disks by an IORM category | MilliSecond |
IORM wait /req for large requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_WT_LG_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for large IO requests issued to flash disks by an IORM category | MilliSecond |
IORM wait for small requests | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_WT_SM | IORM wait time for small IO requests issued to flash disks by an IORM category | MilliSecond |
IORM wait /req for small requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.CT_FD_IO_WT_SM_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for small IO requests issued to flash disks by an IORM category | MilliSecond |
Hard disks IO MBps | oracle.exadata.CT_IO_BY_SEC | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this category to hard disks | MegaBytePerSecond |
Hard disks IO load (avg) | oracle.exadata.CT_IO_LOAD | Average I/O load from this category for hard disks | Count |
HDD large request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CT_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | Number of large IO requests issued by an IORM category to hard disks per second | PerSecond |
HDD small request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CT_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | Number of small IO requests issued by an IORM category to hard disks per second | PerSecond |
HDD large RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.CT_IO_TM_LG | The cumulative latency of reading or writing large blocks for this category from hard disks | MicroSecond |
HDD large RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CT_IO_TM_LG_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing large blocks per request for this category from hard disks | MicroSecond |
HDD small RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.CT_IO_TM_SM | The cumulative latency of reading or writing small blocks for this category from hard disks | MicroSecond |
HDD small RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CT_IO_TM_SM_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing small blocks per request for this category from hard disks | MicroSecond |
Disk utilization by large requests | oracle.exadata.CT_IO_UTIL_LG | Percentage of disk resources utilized by large requests from this category | Percent |
Disk utilization by small requests | oracle.exadata.CT_IO_UTIL_SM | Percentage of disk resources utilized by small requests from this category | Percent |
IORM wait for large requests | oracle.exadata.CT_IO_WT_LG | IORM wait time for large IO requests issued to hard disks by an IORM category | MilliSecond |
IORM wait /req for large requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.CT_IO_WT_LG_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for large IO requests issued to hard disks by an IORM category | MilliSecond |
IORM wait for small requests | oracle.exadata.CT_IO_WT_SM | IORM wait time for small IO requests issued to hard disks by an IORM category | MilliSecond |
IORM wait /req for small requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.CT_IO_WT_SM_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for small IO requests issued to hard disks by an IORM category | MilliSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
FlashCache MB allocated | oracle.exadata.DB_FC_BY_ALLOCATED | Number of megabytes allocated in flash cache for this database | MegaByte |
FlashCache IO MBps | oracle.exadata.DB_FC_IO_BY_SEC | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this database to flash cache | MegaBytePerSecond |
FC large request IOPS | oracle.exadata.DB_FC_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | Number of large IO requests issued by a database to flash cache per second | PerSecond |
FC small request IOPS | oracle.exadata.DB_FC_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | Number of small IO requests issued by a database to flash cache per second | PerSecond |
FD large request IOPS | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | Number of large IO requests issued by a database to flash disks per second | PerSecond |
FD small request IOPS | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | Number of small IO requests issued by a database to flash disks per second | PerSecond |
FD large RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_TM_LG_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing large blocks per request by a database from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD small RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_TM_SM_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing small blocks per request by a database from flash disks | MicroSecond |
IORM wait /req for large requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_WT_LG_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for large IO requests issued to flash disks by a database | MilliSecond |
IORM wait /req for small requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.DB_FD_IO_WT_SM_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for small IO requests issued to flash disks by a database | MilliSecond |
HDD large request IOPS | oracle.exadata.DB_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | Number of large IO requests issued by a database to hard disks per second | PerSecond |
HDD small request IOPS | oracle.exadata.DB_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | Number of small IO requests issued by a database to hard disks per second | PerSecond |
HDD large RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.DB_IO_TM_LG_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing large blocks per request by a database from hard disks | MicroSecond |
HDD small RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.DB_IO_TM_SM_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing small blocks per request by a database from hard disks | MicroSecond |
IORM wait /req for large requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.DB_IO_WT_LG_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for large IO requests issued to hard disks by a database | MilliSecond |
IORM wait /req for small requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.DB_IO_WT_SM_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for small IO requests issued to hard disks by a database | MilliSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
FlashCache IO MBps | oracle.exadata.CG_FC_IO_BY_SEC | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this consumer group to flash cache | MegaBytePerSecond |
FC large request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CG_FC_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | Number of large IO requests issued by a consumer group to flash cache per second | PerSecond |
FlashCache IOPS | oracle.exadata.CG_FC_IO_RQ_SEC | Number of IO requests issued by a consumer group to flash cache per second | PerSecond |
FC small request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CG_FC_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | Number of small IO requests issued by a consumer group to flash cache per second | PerSecond |
FlashDisks IO Mbps | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_BY_SEC | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this consumer group to flash disks | MegaBytePerSecond |
FlashDisks IO load (avg) | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_LOAD | Average I/O load from this consumer group for flash disks | Count |
FD large request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | Number of large IO requests issued by a consumer group to flash disks per second | PerSecond |
FD small request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | Number of small IO requests issued by a consumer group to flash disks per second | PerSecond |
FD RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_TM | The cumulative latency of reading or writing blocks by a consumer group from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD large RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_TM_LG | The cumulative latency of reading or writing large blocks by a consumer group from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD large RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_TM_LG_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing large blocks per request by a consumer group from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_TM_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing blocks per request by a consumer group from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD small RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_TM_SM | The cumulative latency of reading or writing small blocks by a consumer group from flash disks | MicroSecond |
FD small RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_TM_SM_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing small blocks per request by a consumer group from flash disks | MicroSecond |
IORM wait for large requests | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_WT_LG | IORM wait time for large IO requests issued to flashdisks by a consumer group | MilliSecond |
IORM wait /req for large requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_WT_LG_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for large IO requests issued to flash disks by a consumer group | MilliSecond |
IORM wait for small requests | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_WT_SM | IORM wait time for small IO requests issued to flashdisks by a consumer group | MilliSecond |
IORM wait /req for small requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.CG_FD_IO_WT_SM_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for small IO requests issued to flash disks by a consumer group | MilliSecond |
Hard disks IO MBps | oracle.exadata.CG_IO_BY_SEC | Number of megabytes of I/O per second for this consumer group to hard disks | MegaBytePerSecond |
Hard disks IO load (avg) | oracle.exadata.CG_IO_LOAD | Average I/O load from this consumer group for hard disks | Count |
HDD large request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CG_IO_RQ_LG_SEC | Number of large IO requests issued by a consumer group to hard disks per second | PerSecond |
HDD small request IOPS | oracle.exadata.CG_IO_RQ_SM_SEC | Number of small IO requests issued by a consumer group to hard disks per second | PerSecond |
HDD large RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.CG_IO_TM_LG | The cumulative latency of reading or writing large blocks by a consumer group from hard disks | MicroSecond |
HDD large RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CG_IO_TM_LG_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing large blocks per request by a consumer group from hard disks | MicroSecond |
HDD small RW latency (cumulative) | oracle.exadata.CG_IO_TM_SM | The cumulative latency of reading or writing small blocks by a consumer group from hard disks | MicroSecond |
HDD small RW latency rate (us/req) | oracle.exadata.CG_IO_TM_SM_RQ | The rate which is the average latency of reading or writing small blocks per request by a consumer group from hard disks | MicroSecond |
IORM wait for large requests | oracle.exadata.CG_IO_WT_LG | IORM wait time for large IO requests issued to hard disks by a consumer group | MilliSecond |
IORM wait /req for large requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.CG_IO_WT_LG_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for large IO requests issued to hard disks by a consumer group | MilliSecond |
IORM wait for small requests | oracle.exadata.CG_IO_WT_SM | IORM wait time for small IO requests issued to hard disks by a consumer group | MilliSecond |
IORM wait /req for small requests (avg) | oracle.exadata.CG_IO_WT_SM_RQ | Average IORM wait time per request for small IO requests issued to hard disks by a consumer group | MilliSecond |
Metric name | Metric key | Description | Unit |
PMEM DB cache MB allocated | oracle.exadata.DB_PC_BY_ALLOCATED | Number of megabytes allocated in PMEM cache for this database | MegaByte |
PMEM cache MB allocated total | oracle.exadata.PC_BY_ALLOCATED | Number of megabytes allocated in PMEM cache | MegaByte |
PMEM PDB cache MB allocated | oracle.exadata.PDB_PC_BY_ALLOCATED | Number of megabytes allocated in PMEM cache for this pluggable database | MegaByte |
Patch level changes:
Patch level changes:
Initial public release. Looking for feedback on Community!