Data Processing Agreement
The Dynatrace data processing agreement (DPA) is incorporated by reference as provided in the Dynatrace subscription agreement. The English version of the DPA applies, except where an Order Form and subscription agreement are entered into in one of the other languages linked below. Where the parties have entered into a separately executed DPA, the terms of that agreement will apply. Dynatrace may modify this DPA from time to time to address changes to data protection laws, and any such changes shall be incorporated into the end customer’s Dynatrace subscription agreement.
To request an executable copy of the DPA, please contact your account executive or email
- Data Processing Agreement (English)
- Data Processing Agreement (Chinese - Simplified)
- Data Processing Agreement (French)
- Data Processing Agreement (German)
- Data Processing Agreement (Indonesian)
- Data Processing Agreement (Italian)
- Data Processing Agreement (Japanese)
- Data Processing Agreement (Portuguese)
- Data Processing Agreement (Spanish)